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Dedicated to IllusiveFiction for her funny comments and support. I really loved reading your comments it made my day.

Playlist :"Bed"By Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj


Since my car was still at the auto mechanic, Zac drove me to school and back everyday. Nick had manged to be on his best behavior around Zac.

"Bye Zac"I say as I close the door glancing at Zac but instead of leaving he gets out and clicks the door shut.

Thank goodness the only few people in the car park weren't paying attention to us.

"Hey what are you doing? "I squint my eyes watching as he flips his hoodie over his head.

"Well I've been thinking and I want to relive a day in college"He grins widely"What do you say? It's gonna be fun"

I widen my eyes staring at him like he just lost his mind"Have you lost your mind! You can't just show up at our school. You're gonna disrupt activities"


"Of course I can.  I have a disguise see. Noone would recognize me"He points to his poor excuse of a disguise.

"No Zac.  This is a really bad idea"I shake my head frowning. He can't just show up at our school, it's going to be chaos.

"Come on"He pushes further"Just one day won't hurt "

"But what do you want me to say when people ask about you?"I eye him warily, this is a very ridiculous idea and I knew it wouldn't end well.

"Tell them that I'm your distant cousin who has come to stay with you for a while"He suggests.

"What if they try to talk to you? "

He runs his hands through his unruly hair"Well you can tell them that I'm an introvert and anti-social so they'll not try talking to me"

"Ohh alright"I give in and mutter under my breath "This is not going to end well"

Zac uses most of the hoodie to cover up his face as we enter school and since I'm as good as invisible in the school anyways, noone notices Zac by my side. The few who did glance our way probably thought he was my friend or something.

Since the lecturer was a bit late, i scan through the sea of noisy students for Nick. I move over to where he sat at the back and he had already kept a seat for me. The perks of having friends who arrived early.

His expression remains blank as he stared at the guy following me around.

"Who's this?"He whispers as took a seat beside him and since there was no seat for Zac, he sat behind me.

"It's Zac"I look back at him, with hoodie still covering his face. He wasn't recognizable so I guess this could actually work.

"What is he doing here? What if someone recognizes him? "Nick says with alarm.

I shrug my shoulders and Nick huffs angrily. I knew he would be angry but at least I tried to stop Zac but he just wouldn't budge.

Then the first lecturer of the day walks in and the whole class became silent. Thank goodness this wasn't highschool and the lecturer probably didn't know half of the faces here so I had no problem.

During the class,  Zac kept on making me laugh and doing other funny things but I was aware that with each passing second Nick was growing angry at him so I decided to ignore him. It was so hard to believe that the famous celebrity whose mature and composed face that was all over the internet and tv was sitting behind me behaving like a teenager.

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