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Playlist:Girl like you by Maroon 5 ft Cardi B.


I stretch lazily and pull myself up from the bed grabbing the sheets with me. I smile smugly as I took in the dark haired beauty sprawled across the bed sleeping soundly.

I scan the room for my thrown clothes thrown carelessly and urgently about the room. Last night was hot and wild but totally worth it. We met at a club and the chemistry was undeniable so we got into it the minute we entered the mansion. Thank goodness the house was empty.

Slipping into the shower, I let the cold water soothe my sore back muscles which ached from the assault from her ridiculously long nails. I felt smugly satisfied but then I also felt a twinge of an unfamiliar sensation.


Yeah that was the word, Guilt. I've never felt guilt before because what just happened was perfectly normal. I never felt like I was taking advantage of them because they fucking knew what they were doing. I always make sure not to give any ideas by slipping out of bed before they wake up and having Blaire show them out of the house. I know everything was a bit too intense for Blaire's fragile mind but I was a man - wasn't I? And i was entitled to occasional pleasure.

I wasn't a fan of girls clinging to me like a leech just because we had sex. I may be a jerk but once I'm done with someone, that was it.

In response to my growling stomach, I head to the kitchen to fix something to eat. I pick at some jelly beans as I stir the pan.

Bill had fixed the complications with the media but to my disadvantage, my album release had to be soon because everyone was expecting it. I was back to my normal routine of working out first thing in the morning, attend interviews or shows if I had any and clubbing at night.

I was a occasional club goer and I had sex every now and then, it was just to add spice to my boring lifestyle. But recently something has been going on with me.

I find myself thinking about Quinn when I wasn't supposed to be. I find myself wishing I was with her, listening to her sweet voice or having a taste of her glorious temper. I missed her and I admitted that easily because it was totally true so I ignored every rational thoughts I had and called her.

Seeing her for the first time in days was really nice and seeing her in nothing but a robe was a huge turn on and I mentally slapped myself for being such a pervert.

She looked beautiful as always but she looked tired also and I wondered why. She was hurt that I didn't see her before taking off which was expected but then I couldn't resist the the urge to tell I her that I missed her.

My insides felt warm as I see her reaction and I felt light headed but it didn't last for long. She was really upset that I wasn't sure when I was coming back but right now, I just couldn't then her expression changed and she became wary and cold.

I couldn't help but wonder what was wrong but before I could find out, she ended the call abruptly.

"Hey asshole"Mason enters the kitchen interrupting my thoughts. He looks clean and fresh as he beams at me"Someone had a good time last night"


How did he know about that. He must've seen the girl-I think her name was Pam or was it Pamela. I pretend not to hear as I concentrate fully on the eggs in front of me.
"Its nice to know you've gotten your groove back"He chuckles and I scowl at him.

"Shut the fuck up Mason"

He winks at me and grabs some orange juice from the refrigerator.

"I didn't see you throughout yesterday. Where were you?"

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