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Playlist :"Famous"by French Montana


The rest of my day was spent thinking about everything that happened in the car park. Nick acted really weird and really pissed me off but i can live with that.  I couldn't stay angry with him for long; he was my best friend anyways. That and because he kept bugging me, following me around with a sad pout and my favourite snack.

"Okay. I forgive you"I snatch the choclate he kept waving at my face"But promise me you would stop acting like an overlyprotective older brother"

Who could resist chocolate. The caramel center filled ones.

"I promise"He grins pulls me in for a bear hug.

What really bothered me was the simple and warm gesture Zac made in the car park. I was too angry to even take full notice of it. But when i felt his warm lips on my forehead, the dead butterflies buried in the pit of my stomach came back to life fluttering with full action.

I wondered why he did it; was it to piss Nick off and give him a false impression or prove the point he was making. I was going to get my answers.

I walk out of the school with my hand in Nick's, Tina had already left with Todd.  To be honest i missed my best friend.  She had been hanging out with Todd a lot lately and i felt jealous but on the other hand i was hanging out with Zac too so i guess we were even.

What i needed right now was a girl's night out to escape from the annoying guys that surrounded us excluding Todd of course.

We approached Nick's red mustang and i catch a glimpse of Zac's blue Ferrari.

Oh great.

I didn't know he was going to come fetch me. I look beside me at Nick whose facial expression had changed and i follow his line of sight to a devilishly handsome Zac leaning against his car with his signature smirk plastered across his face.

I squeeze Nick's hand as a signal for him not to do anything stupid."I have to go now. I'll call you"

He pulls me in for a hug with grey eyes not leaving Zac's face and whispered"Bye"

"Hey. I had no idea you were going to come fetch me"I say as i enter the car.

"Well i am your driver so I'm just doing my job"He flashes me a toothy grin.

I look back and see Nick still standing by his car waiting for us to drive off.

When we were on the highway,Zac suddenly says"You didn't tell you had a boyfriend"His tone had a bitter edge to it.

"Nick is not my boyfriend"I snap quickly "He's just a really good friend"

"That's what you think. Does he think that too?"

"What!"I turn to face him"Of course he does"

"Well i don't think so"He purses his lips together.

"What do you mean?"

He runs his hands through his jet black hair"How can you be so blind Quinn. The guy likes you. Didn't you notice how he was being overprotective when he saw me with you"

My brain was working overtime. Nick doesn't like me in a romantic way. He was my best friend he had never even as a joke imply that he had feelings for me.

"He's just a very caring and protective friend. He doesn't like me that way"I defend him.

He shrugs his shoulders "Keep saying it until you believe it"

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