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Dedicated to @russiangem.

Playlist:"Kiss you by one direction"


I push myself up to my feet to answer the furious knocking at the the door. It flew open to reveal a pissed off Tina. She opened her mouth to say something but stopped as she took in my appearance.

"You look like a mess"She says.

I feel like a mess.

"Thank you"After two days of stress eating and watching bad TV shows I looked like i just came out of a tornado with my brown curls sticking all over the place and my face devoid of make up.

I mange a weak smile as I give her room to enter further. She drops on the couch next to me and scowls as she notices what i was watching.

"You need to get a grip Quinn"She says sternly twisting her mouth in displeasure at the number of Ice cream tubs littered across the floor.

"Am i a bad person Tee"I ask sheepishly"Coz I feel like I'm a really bad person right now"

"No you are not a bad person"She faces me"You did the right thing by telling Nick the truth"

"But he's still mad at me. He doesn't wanna talk to me anymore"I whine resting on Tina's lap and she caresses my hair gently.

Nick had been avoiding me for the past two days and the tension was killing me. We still sat beside each other but he doesn't even glance in my direction for once and he lost the sparkle in his eyes. Now they were just cold and distant and i felt guilty everytime. I tried talking to him but he just ignored me, he doesn't even hang out with Tina and I anymore.

"I know. He's hurting and he just needs some space"

"And I feel so guilty. I'm the one who hurt him"I close my eyes for a brief moment.

"Yeah but you would've hurt him even more if you had decieved him"

"I guess you're right"I sigh"Did you talk to him?"

"Yeah. He's okay but really just needs some space"She says.

"I really just want my best friend back"I roll off her lap and sit straight.

"Don't worry"She laughs"He'll come around"

"I hope so"I mutter under my breath and run my hands through my unruly hair.

I really need to take a shower.

"So how did the match go?"Tina and Todd went to see a football match and they invited me to go with them but I refused. I was still feeling awful so i just told them to go without me.

"It was okay I guess. I had to pretend I enjoyed the match for Todd's sake"

I laugh at her sour expression; Tina was a real sucker for sports and enduring that torture as she calls it, for Todd's sake was sweet.

"Quinn"She begins"I need to tell you something"

"Yeah"I stare at her intensely and notice that she's uneasy about something. She's always like that when she wants to announce something important so whatever she wants to say must be big. Could it be that she was pregnant! No, tina wasn't that stupid. I hope it wasn't something bad.

"So Todd asked me to move in with him"She drops the bombshell and my mouth flew open.

"What?"I exclaim and she chuckles nervously.

"Yap. He asked me today and I just thought I should tell you. I'm so excited and I feel positive about it"She babbles.

"Tina"I slow her down"Are you sure about this? I mean don't you think you guys are moving to fast"

"Yeah that's what I thought too but oh well"She shrugs.

I pinch the bridge of my nose to let everything sink in. I know they are in love and everything but i just feel like they are moving too fast. I couldn't believe my bad luck, I was losing my bestfriends in one single week.

"Quinn, is everything alright?"She whispers concern lacing her dainty voice.

"Pff..  Of course.... I was just wondering how i lost my bestfriends in a week so I'm alright...  just peachy"I reply and she winces at my sarcasm.

"Oh Quinn. I haven't given him my answer yet I just wanted you to know about it but since you don't like the idea, I will just tell him I can't"

"Please don't. I don't want to be the reason you refuse. Just do what you think is right"

"Okay"She breaks into a smile"Thanks Quinn you are the best"

She side hugs me and pulls me to my feet"Well since you're going to be moving out soon, why don't we have a girls night"

Her eyes lit up as she pad to the kitchen"That would be nice. Go freshen up and I'll fix us some snacks"

"Alright girlfriend"I wink as i moved to my room to freshen up. I felt a lot better now as Tina was here too bad she'll be moving soon.

I walked out of the shower some minutes later, my hair dripping and my body clad in a white robe. I reach for my towel and wrap it over my wet hair and sit on my bed scanning my wardrobe for something comfy to wear when suddenly my phone buzzed.

I look at the caller ID and saw it was Zac and he was requesting for facetine. My heart beat rapidly against my chest as I picked it up.

"Hey Zac"

"Hi"He drawled and broke into a naughty grin and then I realized why. I was wearing only a robe and he mind must be full of outrageous thoughts.

"Zac. How are you?"I blush as I bring the phone closer to take the attention away from my body"You didn't see me before you took off"I know I sounded like a child whining but he was supposed to see me before he left at least. I was his friend afterall.

"Sorry about that"He smiles apologetically.

It has been two days and I wondered why he left without a word or why he refused to call me.

"I miss you"He says after a while and my heart skips a beat.

He misses me.

"Me too"I blush and twist my hands in my lap.

"Nice to know"

"Are you coming back to Atlanta?"I ask and he rubs his chin thoughtfully.

"I'm not really sure"

My heart drops and I swallow the lump rising in my throat. I seem to have forgotten that he had a life too and it wasn't in Atlanta so he would not be coming any time soon. I was about to say something else when I saw a woman passed behind him, she might as well be naked and a sudden wave of emotions came rushing in on me.

"What's wrong?"His voice brings me out of my reverie. He must have noticed my sudden change of expression.

"Nothing"I answer quickly"I... Um I need to go. Bye"

I exhale heavily as I ended the call. Who was that woman? She was probably his girlfriend or just someone who he was going to have sex with right now. I've been so blinded and forgot what type of man he was. He was one that had sex with different women everyday and tosses them aside later. It was easy for him though , he could get any woman he wanted. It dawned on me that I knew nothing about him even if we had been friends for less than a month now.

But the thought of him having sex with that woman brought out a wave of emotions i wasn't supposed to feel. I couldn't be jealous; I had no right to be.

He is just your friend. You have no business with his private life.

I remind myself as I slip into some comfortable clothes. I cleared my mind of everything and sigh. I was having a girls night with Tina and I wasn't going to let Zac and his girlfriend ruin my mood.

He can have sex with whoever he wants for all I care.

This was officially the worst week of my life.


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