Decision // Chapter 29

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I don't want to be sad anymore...

The next day

You: So... you guys are going back to Korea tomorrow?

I sadly look at Jimin and Oppa. Jimin sighs and holds my hands.

Jimin: Yes baby... We can't just stay here forever.
Yoongi: Jimin is right, Y/n.

I look at them with tears in my eyes. Jimin immediately hugs me and pats my back.

Jimin: It's okay, baby. We can always face time right?

He says, trying to reassure me. I sob as tears finally fall.

You: B-But t-that not same w-with you b-being here..

I sob harder as I grip onto his shirt. Oppa sighs and closes his eyes, thinking a way to calm me down. Suddenly an idea comes across his mind.

Yoongi: Hey, what if you... follow us go back to Korea?

I sit on the bed with my right hand on my tummy. ' What if you follow us go back to Korea? ' The words keep ringing in my mind. Should I leave with them?

Or shouldn't I?

What about my sisters here? Will they be sad if I leave them? Will they care? What the hell, Y/n! Of course they will care! You're like a real sister for them, you dumb ass!

I scold myself.

Knock! Knock!

The door opens, revealing Jean Unnie. She smiles at me and closes the door after she's inside my room. I smile at her back. Then she comes to me and sits beside me on the bed.

She puts her hand on my shoulder.

Jean: Hey, sis. You okay?
You: Yeah. By the way, where is Young?
Jean: Haha. You still like calling her ' Young ' instead of ' Young Unnie ' ?

Jean Unnie chuckles. I pout at her.

You: Well yeah. But I call her Young Unnie sometimes, right????
Jean: Hahaha. You're so cute! Yeah yeah. I doesn't matter whatever you call her.

I smile. But then the room becomes silent again. It isn't an awkward silence. But more like a comfortable silence.

Jean: Oh, you asked where is Young right?

I nod, almost forget about it.

Jean: She is in the room. I think she is upset as well. You know.. her TaeTae just got here yesterday and suddenly will go back to Korea tomorrow.

I sigh. Well, Jean Unnie is right. We both are sad right now. But I know Jean Unnie is also sad. I can tell by just looking at her face.

You: I know you are sad Unnie.
Jean: W-What? No. I'm not! I'm perfectly fine! See?

She tries to cover her sadness with an obvious fake smile. Let me tell you, she's actually the worst actor in the world. I chuckle at her.

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