Episode One

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"Mom's sick

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"Mom's sick." Suzie pulled a steaming bowl out of the microwave with oven mitts.

"What's in the bowl?" I hung my keys on their hook and let my gym bag drop to the floor.

"Chicken noodle soup." She gingerly set the dish on the counter.

"Is that for you or Mom?" I slipped off my shoes before going into the kitchen. I leaned against the counter to examine my chipped blue nail polish.

Her smirk brought one dimple to life. "Me."

"You're kidding right?" I eyed my sister. "Mom's sick and you're making soup for yourself? Wow. You're so considerate."

"She's like passed out and I don't want to wake her up." Suzie plucked her phone out of her back pocket and grinned at the screen.

"That better not be Grant. You know what Dad said." I bit my lips together and raised my eyebrows.

Since Suzie's fourteenth birthday, she'd been acting different, like turning fourteen made her an instant adult. She'd developed an overnight obsession with makeup and would try to talk Mom into getting her skimpier, tighter clothes every time we went shopping.

Suzie's sapphire eyes flew up to mine. "Oh my God! You're such a prude, Case. Why do you care anyway?"

"I care because Grant is a little jerk. I heard what he did to Tina Rosenberg." I watched her, wanting to see if she heard the same thing. "I've seen her sitting in the counselor's office practically every day."

"Grant told me that Tina made the whole thing up." Suzie's cheeks turned pink, telling me she wasn't sure she believed him.

My eyebrows shot up. The idea of that freshman punk doing something that horrible to my baby sister pissed me off to no end. I would kick the crap out of him if he put a finger on her. "So he didn't take her virginity and dump her the next day?"

"No... I mean, I don't know, I mean... God Casey! Butt out!" Suzie whipped around and stalked into the living room.

Good. She needed to think this one through. Grant was a snake. I wanted her to listen for once, but for all I knew she was probably sitting on the couch texting him right now, buying all his BS.

Careful not to make a sound, my socked feet slid over the linoleum.

I peeked around the corner. Yep. Just like I thought.

Suzie was cozied up in a tight ball on the couch. Her face was lit up with stupid excitement and her thumbs were moving a million miles a second.

I had to do something about this. All he wanted was one thing and over my dead body was I going to let Suzie give it up to him.

He was messing with the wrong family. Tomorrow I would find the slithering piss ant and have a nice little talk with Grant the de-virginizer.

I turned back to the soup, steam still pluming from the bowl.

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