Episode Twenty One

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Closing the door behind us, Derek gestured for me to take a seat on my bed

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Closing the door behind us, Derek gestured for me to take a seat on my bed. He pulled my desk chair over to sit across from me.

Derek inhaled a deep, shaky breath before speaking. "Derek wasn't my name in school, and my hair was much shorter. I used to have my basketball number marked on the back of my head like a lot of the guys. I think I know why you don't remember me. I was older, and we ran in completely different crowds. Plus, I was a Junior, and you were a Freshmen."

I searched his face, trying to place him. Freshmen year was the year they diagnosed Mom with cancer. It was the roughest year of my life since her survival odds were so low. Mom's operation to remove the mass had been bad, but the chemo afterward had been even worse.

My mother was a cancer survivor going on three years, and an awful virus had taken her from me in one day.

Life is a nasty bitch.

I'd somehow made it onto Varsity during Freshmen year, but I was so worried about my mother I barely remember anything from that time.

Freshmen year was a blur.

I only really hung out with my friends and Matt. I didn't pay any attention to the upperclassmen especially any other Varsity sports teams.

Varsity guys always had hordes of girls encompassing them. It was pitiful, so I never gave them any attention whatsoever. I guess Derek had been one of those guys. He was two grades ahead of me and knowing me, I never would've looked his way. Not to mention, Freshmen hall and Junior hall were located on opposite sides of the school.

"You said you didn't go by Derek?" I stared at him, trying to picture him playing basketball, but failed.

Derek ran a shaky hand through his hair causing loose tendrils to fall into his eyes. "Derek is my first name, but my mom liked to call me by my middle name, Sebastian. Everyone at school knew me as... Seb."

My eyes widened as I froze in shock.


It couldn't be him.

I knew that name.


Number Twenty-three.

I never met him because I didn't want to be anywhere near Seb, and his violent behavior. Seb wasn't known for being a particularly nice guy.

At the beginning of my sophomore year, Seb was rumored to have punched his girlfriend in the face and had supposedly served time for the vicious attack. He never came back to school after that.

I'd been freaked out by all the stories, especially after seeing his injured girlfriend, Andrea, who was a year older than me. I'd never had a face to put with the abuser. Honestly, when I saw Andrea's broken jaw, I was just happy Seb wasn't in our school anymore.

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