Episode Eighteen

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Three days

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Three days.

My prison guards made me stay in bed for three days and my room had become my prison, which didn't really matter because I wasn't talking to anyone, anyway.

A baby was crying somewhere on the other side of the house, but they never brought her in, and I never cared enough to ask about her.

Once I found out my parents were dead, my entire world had dissolved into nothingness.

I couldn't help but wonder why I was still alive. In a perfect world, I'd be dead too. Then we would all be together in heaven or wherever it is, we go after we die. Did it matter where they were now? All that mattered was that I was here, and they were there.

The bite on my arm was still a solid red scab, and it still hurt. It was probably because of the deep tissue damage, but it was healing, and that's all that mattered.

"It stinks in here." Suzie's nose wrinkled as she opened my door, carrying a plate of crackers and soup. The sight instantly reminded me of the night I found Mom.

"Just get out," I said.

Suzie winced at my tone as she tried to set the plate on my bedside table.

"I'm not hungry, and I don't want that in here." I glared at the plate.

"You have to eat!" Suzie slightly spilled the soup on the crackers when she yelled. "You haven't eaten in days."

"I don't care. Just leave." I turned over in bed and faced away from her.

I heard a clink as my sister set the plate on my table, anyway.

Heat rushed through me. How dare she leave it!

I rolled over to face her. "I said take it and get out!"

My sister's face scrunched up and turned red. She balled her fists and stomped her foot. "You're not dead! They are! They would want you to live, Casey. You're all I have left."

Elephant tears escaped Suzie's angry glare.

"I said. Get. Out." I didn't care what my sister had to say. I couldn't believe she was acting like everything was all hunky dory. She was in frigging La La Land, and I refused to join her.

"What's going on in here?" Jim barged into my room, causing Suzie to cringe back.

I glared at him.

"You got a problem?" His bloodshot eyes told me all I needed to know. He was drunk as a skunk. What else was new? The frigging end of the world was here, and this asshole always had access to alcohol.

My parents rarely drank anything more than the occasional glass of wine, so I had no idea where he was getting the liquor, but he was always blitzed out of his mind.

"I asked you a question!" Jim's skin tightened around his lips as his thick brow narrowed on me.

I put on a fake grin and focused on using a light tone of voice. "My sister and I were having a disagreement. I wanted saltines, but she brought me Ritz. Sorry about the volume."

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