Episode Twenty Seven

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For two days we did our best to stay invisible

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For two days we did our best to stay invisible.

We didn't know how many biters were in the area and since that huge group moved through, we all thought it was better to lay low and prepare to leave. Since Thomas was healing, it was best to wait a couple days, anyway. I didn't want to disrupt his recovery.

As luck may have it, Derek was able to move Jenson's vehicle into the garage before the biters took their morning stroll through my front yard. So if Jenson had any friends that come looking there would be no sign of exactly where his crew went. I wasn't so sure that moving their vehicle would deter Jenson's friends, but I hoped it would.

The best I could figure was that Jenson and his people most likely had access to the high school's record system. I could only assume that was how Jenson found me. He'd probably seen plenty of my pictures on the trophy shelves. I had to hope his crew of five were the only people trying to take over the school.

I couldn't stomach the thought of more disgusting men searching for my teammates or other girls to kidnap, but my gut told me there had to more. If not at the school, then anywhere in this new awful world.

Matt's presence had become incredibly awkward. Matt tried to tell me about Derek's past as Seb, and after I told him I was fully aware, Matt had nothing more to say.

Like all of us, Matt was grieving. He'd become overly focused on me, and was following me around like a sad puppy.

Derek instructed Matt to sleep on the couch, which I was happy about. My house wasn't exactly the Hilton, but hey, it worked for now.

Suzie was still having night terrors, so she and I slept in her room with Mindy while Derek and Grant watched over Thomas. Suzie tossed and turned all night, making it nearly impossible for me to get any sleep, so I was learning how to function on limited sleep.

Thomas and I hadn't talked since the morning after he was shot. I checked on him occasionally, but there was nothing more to say, and I didn't want to argue. I still had to make sure Thomas was taking painkillers because he liked to act tough, but I knew he was still in a lot of pain.

The fever Thomas experienced the first night had disappeared entirely, which made me extremely happy. Thank God we'd had antibiotics to help him. I wasn't sure if the antibiotics treated the issue behind the fever, but I liked to believe they did.

I rolled over, searching for Dad's watch on the nightstand.

Four-thirty. Too early to get up, but I couldn't sleep anymore.

I sat up and rubbed a hand over my oily hair, pulling it into a tight ponytail.

My bath fantasies were escalating. As much as I didn't want to leave my house, I really wanted to find a body of water to become fully submerged in. I wasn't picky about where this miraculous body of water would come from.

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