Episode Twenty Two

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Suzie was right

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Suzie was right. The cold chili was disgusting, but we still ate our fill.

Somehow the guys had found several cans of baby formula for Mindy. She had a few large packages of diapers and wipes too, but not nearly enough to get us through the next month.

I was grateful we had enough for a couple of weeks, but it worried me to think about what we would have to do once her supplies ran out.

Mindy was currently sitting on my lap eating Cheerios. At least she could eat solids. I didn't know much about babies, but I assumed since they were usually introduced to baby food before they could walk, Cheerios would be okay.

After Derek and I emerged from my bedroom, Thomas was doing his best not to ask about the status between us. Thomas assumed something because there were several occasions when I could feel the heat of his eyes on me, and when I'd glance at him, he would look away.

I cared about Thomas, but it was too much to wrap my mind around right now. We were friends, and I didn't want to hurt him.

Derek bumped my shaking knee when he sat down on the couch next to me. "What's on your mind?"

Biting my lips together, I shook my head.

"Come on. I know you're thinking about something. Casey Whitmore is always thinking something especially when her leg is bouncing a thousand miles a second." Derek slid his palm along my leg slowly.

My knee slowed its bouncing. "I was just thinking about what we'll do when we run out of supplies for Mindy."

At the sound of her name, Mindy's eyes widened as she worked to grab another piece of cereal from the bowl.

"You're not going to like what I have to say, but..." Derek watched Mindy as he ran a hand through his hair. "I think we need to go back to the storage facility."

I shook my head, hard. "No."

"Come on, Sweetheart," Thomas walked into the living room and sat next to me.

Mindy held up her Cheerio to Thomas as an openmouthed smile took over her face. Thomas laughed and ate the Cheerio out of her hand. Mindy clapped and went back for another piece.

"No," I repeated with even more force.

Derek's eyebrows lifted. "Case, we have to. No one other than the employees know what's stored there. People won't think to look there, at least not yet."

"And then what? We get murdered by the trained killers we stole from?" I was angry they were even considering this.

"Sweetheart, I know you don't want to hear this, but you're not going back to that warehouse." Thomas studied my face. "You've already been through too much."

They'd lost their damned minds if they assumed I would just sit by while they went off to slaughter.

"Hold that thought," I set Mindy's Cheerios on the coffee table and made my way to Suzie in the game room.

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