Episode Thirty Four

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Once we were on the road, I searched hard for biters

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Once we were on the road, I searched hard for biters.

I knew they didn't have the best hearing or sight, but that didn't mean they were deaf or blind. We had to be more careful about our scent than anything.

Since we were a reasonable distance from town, the number of biters in this area wasn't overwhelming, but we still had to stay alert. We never knew when another large group would be traveling through.

With the sun high in the sky, it wouldn't be hard to spot biters in the open fields, but they were much harder to locate in the woods.

After I came up empty in my scan, I settled into my seat.

From time to time, the heat of Thomas's gaze would sweep over me, but I didn't know what to say, so I just played coy, pretending not to notice.

Thomas tapped the steering wheel with his thumb. "What's going on with you?"

"Nothing." Shaking my head, I scanned our surroundings.

"You're full of shit." Thomas scoffed. "You're acting weird as hell."

"I'm just on edge about being out in the open, you know?" I glanced at the speedometer. Twenty-five miles an hour. He was always so careful.

"If you say so," Thomas turned down an overgrown dirt road. "I'm just confused. We were fine this morning, and ever since we woke up, you've been cold as hell toward me. You won't even look at me. Did I do something in my sleep? If I did just tell me."

Of course, he was blaming himself for my stupidity. That was my Thomas.

"Why does Andrea have a nickname for you?" It was really bothering me, and I wanted to know the answer.

Thomas sighed. "Once upon a time Andrea used to come over to my place a lot. She just started calling me that, and I never corrected her."

Did that mean they got together?

Thomas cleared his throat. "And that doesn't mean what you think. Andrea's friend, Danielle, was my girlfriend, but unlike Derek, I kicked her out of my life once I realized what kind of person she was."

My knee bounced as I chewed on my lip. I had so many questions, but it wasn't my business. I wanted to know everything about Thomas, but I didn't want to pry into his personal life. No matter how much I wanted to be with him, we were friends, not lovers.

"What?" Thomas stopped in the middle of the road.

I glanced around. "Is this it? Where's the surprise?"

Thomas turned off the engine and shook his head. "There's no surprise until you tell me what's going on with you. You're just gonna ruin it if you keep acting like this."

I crossed my arms and stared out my window, analyzing the woods for movement. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you expected me to act a certain way. I'll try to be better. Can we go?"

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