Episode Twenty Four

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Jim was dead

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Jim was dead.

Thankfully, Derek woke up on his own while I was looking for another shirt.

Other than some nasty bruises, Derek was okay. What worried me most was the giant lump on Derek's forehead. Jenson had pistol-whipped him, and I was concerned Derek might have a concussion.

I had no regrets about killing Jenson and Crazy Eyes. Maybe one day I would have to deal with what I'd done, but tonight I was just grateful we were all alive.

Derek helped me get Thomas to my bed, and Thomas fell into a fitful sleep after I gave him some ibuprofen for the pain.

Derek said he wanted some alone time in the garage. I didn't know much about concussions, but I knew sleep was bad. Derek promised to stay awake, so I didn't protest when he disappeared. I knew I would have to check on him regularly.

Grant silently agreed to stay with Suzie for the night, so I could stay awake and keep watch.

There were still five dead men in the house plus Jim, but everyone was too exhausted to do anything about the bodies. We were all just happy to be alive. The visit from Jenson and his men took every bit of energy out of us.

Before going to bed, Suzie made me promise to make sure the men were truly dead. Using a knife, I stabbed every dead body through both eyes to make sure they were definitely gone. I didn't want any of them to wake up and try to eat us in the middle of the night.

I noticed something odd while I was on my stabbing spree.

Jenson and his men had red marks and scars on their wrists. Maybe they'd been tied up or handcuffed, but it was strange that they all had the same marks.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Jenson had said. They'd been forcing people to go the high school, and from what it sounded like they were mainly focused on women, but Jenson wanted Derek to work for him.

Did that mean there were people locked up at the school? Were there more men like Jenson and Crazy Eyes holding people hostage? Possibly hurting girls like me?

A cold shiver ran down my back.

Returning to my room, I checked on Mindy to find she was still asleep.

Earlier, Thomas said his nose didn't feel broken, but it was dark blue and purple. Jenson's men had really done a number on him. Thomas mentioned he went to the back of the house to get a larger gun when he realized how many men there were outside, but the bastards had gotten to him first. So all Thomas had to defend himself was a handgun and his fists, which had barely saved him.

Now that Jim was out of the picture, the guns wouldn't be such a problem anymore. I had no idea where the guys had stashed them, and I hadn't seen the bag yet, so it had to be somewhere safe.

The bullet wound in Thomas's side was much worse than he led me to believe, but the bullet had gone clean through. I prayed the bullet hadn't nicked or punctured anything important.

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