Chapter 1

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All of the Vinsmokes except Judge, were sitting in Germa's gathering chamber, their father said that there was a king from a kingdom called Zeith, will come to visit with her wife, daughter and son, so here they were, waiting.

"What are we even doing here?" Niji asked, already feeling bored. He leaned back to his seat. Hands behind his head.

"Did you forgot already?" Reiju asked.

"No, why do we even needed here? There's father, he can handle anything, he doesn't need us to meet a king."

"Shut up, Niji," Ichiji spoke up.

Niji rolled his eyes and Yonji snickered, he stopped when Judge walked into the room with someone that looked like a king and a queen, but there was no princess nor prince, they walked in and sat down.

"Where's your son? You said you'd go here with your son?" Ichiji asked.

"They should be here in any second, just wait," the king that is your father replied.

"It's gonna be a great wedding," the queen said, smiling.

Ichiji raised an eyebrow, Niji and Yonji's eyes widened, and Reiju looked at Judge in disbelief.

"Wedding?!" Yonji asked, surprised.

"Who's gonna marry who?" Reiju asked.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Niji shouted.

"Father, explain," Ichiji spoke up.

Your father, the King, raised an eyebrow. "You haven't tell them, Judge?" Judge shook his head in respond. "Then let me tell you, my daughter, (y/n), will marry you"--he turned to Niji--" Vinsmoke Niji." 

"What?! Why me?! I don't even know the girl!" Niji shouted, he slammed his fist to the table and stood, his chair creaking against the floor.

"Behave Niji," Ichiji said, hands crossed.

Niji groaned and sat down.

"It's okay, you're gonna love her," the queen said, Niji just rolled his eyes and looked away. After she said that, the door slowly opened to reveal a beautiful girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) that suits her hair, she walked in with a prince next to him, she put her hand around the prince's arm, the prince has (h/c) hair and (e/c) orbs, he looked alike like the princess, (y/n).

They sat next to their mother.

"Here she is, Niji, this is (y/n), and (y/n), you already know Niji right?" your father said.

You nodded.

Your father and your mother looked at each other and they tell you to go and know Niji better, correction, they tell you and Niji to know each other better, Judge nod agreeing, so you and Niji walked to Germa's garden, you sat on a bench while Niji leaning against a tree, he looks furious, making you creeped out.

"Hey," Niji spoke up.

"Huh?" you looked at Niji.

"I never wanted this wedding, so-"

"I never wanted this wedding either!" you shouted.

Niji smirked, "then it's okay if I say we should divorce?"

"Is that kind of thing allowed? I mean, we marry because Germa and Zeith want to make a relationship."

"I don't care if this kind of the way, agree or not?"

"Of course I agree! But people will be suspicious if we divorce."

"Yes, that's why we should be 'husband and wife' for at least 3 to 5 years so people won't be suspicious."

"5 years? That's so long."

"I said 3 to 5 years."

"If that's mean I get my freedom back-"

"there is no such thing as freedom. Do you want the deal or not?"


"Look, if you denied me, I can force you."

"Deal! We'll be couple for 3 to 5 years."

Niji smirked, "good girl," he said silently.

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