Chapter 21

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Years went by, Niji stayed by your side, from the day since you two are married, you gave birth and now. Your daughter, [Lemme think for a name, ah, Quinn, I like the name 'Quinn'. I hope my name was Quinn :')] Quinn, was five years old.

For Niji, it was exhausting yet interesting for a being a father, Al went back to Judgement Castle, leaving you, Niji and Quinn. Al really loves Quinn, he spent everyday with Quinn when he was staying at your castle.

"Mommy!" Quinn shouted, her long blue hair bouncing as he ran to you in the garden, you were sitting on the bench, looking at her.

"Yes, Quinn?"

She stopped and stared at you, her eyes suddenly lit up in awe. You raised an eyebrow and stared back at her, her blue hair was beautiful, people said she has your eyes. A small smile appeared on your lips. She's perfect. You love her. "Dad!"

You automatically turned around, seeing Niji behind you, he was panicking and signalling Quinn to stop talking. "What are you doing?"

He slightly laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was going to surprise you but Quinn ruined it."

You giggled, turning back to Quinn, you stood and pick her up. "Well, you failed. I'm going inside with Quinn. Do you want to join us?"

"Oh, actually, I want to go out, can I have Quinn with me?"

You narrowed your eyes. "Why?"

"Father-Daughter quality time?"

"Just be careful, understand?"

"Sure, sure."

Niji grinned and pick Quinn up, they both started talking, completely ignoring you, Quinn literally laughed at everything Niji said, even though it's not funny. You smiled. You waved your hand at Niji and Quinn, walking back to the Castle.


You stared out of your window, fat raindrops fell to an uncertain end on the window. You watched the drop slide and split. You let your hand slip down the window, moisture from the rain outside was collected on the way. Your breathing was swallowed by the soft pitter-patter rushing through the wind that was barely audible to your ears.

It was raining.

You couldn't help but feel worried about Quinn, she should be safe because she's with Niji, you tried to put that thoughts on your head but you couldn't. You stood from the couch, glancing at the window one more time before you went out from your room.

You rushed to the guards, telling them to start searching for Niji and Quinn, the rain was getting heavier, that made you worry more, the servants were trying to calm you down but they didn't help at all.

"I think I should go out myself," you said, looking outside. "They're not coming back." You started to pace back and forth. The servants were trying their best trying to calm you down.

"Queen Y/N, they're on their way here," one of the servant lied, walking inside the room. "They'll be back soon."

"R-really?" You turned to her, your eyes brimming with tears. Sure, Niji was with her, but why aren't they coming back?

Hours later, they came back. The rain was still pouring. Niji and the other guards came back. They didn't bring Quinn with them. Niji and Quinn were going to the beach, when it was suddenly raining, Niji said he was inattentive and he didn't realize when Quinn was walking to the sea.

The waves were really strong and it pulled Quinn to the sea, she's missing. When the guards search out for Niji and Quinn they found Niji looking helplessly at the waves. He was aware that his daughter will drown sooner or later.

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