Chapter 15

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You're not really sure what happened to B/N after that. Al bring him to Judgement Castle. Don't know what they will do. After all the incident that happened. You decided to postpone your wedding. Niji, he protested, but you told him that you need time so he agreed. Also, you found out that Aaron is adopted.

Some people don't trust what happened and they said they need explanations, especially the kingdom that make alliance with B/N. Perce, as Ray's right hand man and have the ability to teleport, went to explain what happened with Al.

You walked towards your office. After all things that just happened. You have to replace their position and became the leader of the country, making you need to be crowned as the Queen as fast as possible. 

Niji helped you with all stuff, though, he also need help from Reiju and Ichiji, while you asking for help from Ray and Al. You grew closer with Aaron. Unlike Perce, He was a kind and cool kid to hang out with, he's a really energetic teenager, and you like spending your times with him. You somehow felt like he was your little brother, even though you don't have a little brother. 

You sat on your seat, examining all the paperworks on the table. You took a deep breath and rubbed your forehead, easing the headache that is slowly forming. No wonder why Ray hate paperworks so much that he let Al and Leon burned them.

You heard the door clicked open and saw Niji walking in, another papers on his hand. He looked stressed, but his face lit up when he saw you. "Y/N." He grinned, he walked to you and gave you the papers he was holding. "Here. More paperworks coming."

You groaned and took the papers he hand you. "Are you kidding me, Niji?" You stared at his eyes. "I already work on these-" You looked at the papers on your desk. "These things you see on the table but you gave me this?" You put the paper on the table and buried your face in your hand.

"It's really stressful, right?" he asked, he sat on the chair across you and stroke your hair. "Stay strong, Y/N. You know I'll help you."

"You will?" you asked him, a hint of doubt in your voice. You looked at him. "You've told me you will but you always went back to Germa!"

"I have my works, too. You asked for help to Ray, right?" He pulled his hand. "Everything should be alright. And don't be mad at me."

"Why can't I?"

"You're the one who postpone our wedding." He shrugged. "If you don't I probably could help you here as your husband."

"Then what should I do? You're telling I have to get married to you as fast as I could?"


You groaned and looked away from Niji. But, quickly turned back to him. "I hate you."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say."

"Fuck you."

"Was that a to-do list?"



You narrowed your eyes. "Oh, Niji. You're such a dumb-"

"Y/N!" a voice shouted, with fast footsteps towards your office. You smiled, knowing who it is and stood. The door burst open. Aaron walked in with a wide grin on his face. "Hi!" He greeted you.

"Morning, Aaron." You grinned back at him. He looked at you and Niji back and forth, realizing Niji's face look a little mad, he gulped. "Did I interrupted something?" he asked.

You shook your head. "No. You just helped me from this dumbass sitting across me." You glanced at Niji before you walked to Aaron and pat his shoulder. "Ray's coming with you?" Aaron nodded. "Great, you can wait here with Niji. I'm going to Ray for a sec."

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