Chapter 14

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Few moments passed and B/N walked in. The crowd cheered louder, making B/N smirked. He waved his hand. You looked around the room. You can't see Al nor Leon. Reiju, Ichiji and Yonji were there, too. If Al and Leon crash this coronation thing and the crowd didn't believe them, something risky would definitely happen. [Guys, idk how to write a coronation scene. So, I'll skip up]

"Prince B/N L/N. For now on, I appoint you to be the king of-"

"Alright. Stop for a sec," Al said, suddenly standing next to B/N and the guy appointing him to be the King. Leon standing next to him. You could hear almost every person in that place were gasping. Few even mumbling the words 'What are they doing?'

"General Althalos, what is the meaning of this?" B/N asked, standing back up. He was kneeling, so he stood. He looked at Al, anger in his eyes.

"Dude, don't be so mad," Leon spoke up. "We're going to tell this people something." Leon smiled. "We record this, so people from around the world can see this important moment of Zeith's history."

"Yep. It's live, around the world. So, please, don't be embarassed or mad." Al gave B/N a small smile. "You piece of shi-"

"Language!" Ray shouted from the crowd.

"Yeah. So, the point is... B/N right here is not the rightful heir of Zeith."

It was silence before someone yelled, "Nonsense! He is the rightful heir!"

"Just listen up first," Leon hissed, making the person shut their mouth.

B/N narrowed his eyes. "What are you talking about?" he asked. He looked calm and nervous at the same time. "How can you say something like this? Guards!" Two guards walked to Al and Leon. Leon sighed then snapped his fingers, making the [half of the universe turned to dust. Lol, sorry, I frickin' hate u, u big walking grape] guards stop and just stared into thin air. "What are you waiting for?! Get these men off of the stage!"

"I'm sorry but it's useless." Leon patted B/N's shoulder. "They're under my control."


"Shush," Al said. "So, people. Just let us talk and you'll understand." The crowd stop murmuring words and focused to the stage. "Thank you."

"As he was saying," Leon announced. "B/N isn't the rightful heir of Zeith and-" The crowd booed. "I said AND!" he yelled, running out of patients. "We have PROOFS! Understand?!"

You slightly laughed. "Leon can run out of patients?"

"Yep. He can," Ray said, standing next to you with Perce by him.

"Where's the proof?" A man yelled from the crowd.

Leon groaned. "Wait up, you fu-"

"Stop using swear words!" Ray shouted.

"You, you shut up, too, Ray." Leon groaned. "We searched through some old files about the King and Queen's DNA, we tried to test their DNAs with their children, prince B/N here and princess Y/N. Their DNAs match, they do, but there's one person that is somehow didn't match in this family."

The crowd started murmuring words again.

Al sighed. "It's B/N, his DNA didn't match with theirs." The crowd gasped and few of them shouting the words 'What?' and 'Where are the proof?'

"Althalos. What the hell are you talking about?" B/N asked. "Of course my DNA matches with my parents."

"No, it doesn't." A guard walked to Al. "Thanks." The guard nodded and walked off the stage.

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