Chapter 6

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You stand up from your bed when you heard a knock on the door. You walked to it and opened the door.

"...Niji? What do you want?"

"You're not going to tell me what's where?"

You sighed. "Do you really need to know?"


"I'll tell you tomorrow. Now, just get to sleep, okay?"

He frowned and walk pass you, walking to your room, to your bed. And lay on it. You let out a long sigh. "Okay. Niji, what do you want?"

"Sleep," he said as he get under the blanket.

"Well, not here."

"Why not?"

"It's my room."

"So?" You closed the door and walked to him. Pulling him off the bed. "Get out, Niji," you said struggling to pull him, but of course, it's just no way.

He smirked. "To be honest. I'm interested in you, (y/n)."

"What? Why did you say that?"

"I'm stating the truth. You are interesting."

"Um, thank you? For now, please get out or someone will realize you're not in your room."

"Let them know."

"Niji..." you pouted, but he ignored you. You let go of his arm and walked to the couch. "Fine. Go to sleep then." You lay on the couch. Using a pillow to cover your face. You can hear him chuckling.

"You should sleep on your own bed," he called out.

"I can't 'cause you're on my bed." "Sleep with me then."

"N- wait what?" You narrowed your eyes. Y stood and walked to him. Cupping his face in your hands.

"Uhhh, what's going on?" he asked.

You glared at him. "Are you Vinsmoke Niji?"

"No, shit, honey."

You pat his cheek. "Are you Vinsmoke Niji?"

"Of course I am." He rolled his eyes. "Why are you asking me that?"

"You... change."

"What? My look?"

"No, you. You're not the Niji I know."

"Oh, really? Who's the Niji you know?"

"The rude and violent one."


You laughed. "Now you're kind to me, and... weird."

"I'm weird?"

"Yeah. You're weird."

"Thanks." He pushed your hands away and get back under the blanket. "Go to sleep," he said pointing at the couch. You scoffed and walked to the couch, lay on it and slowly drifted off to sleep.


"(y/n), (y/n), wake up." (b/n)'s voice woke you up. You slowly open your eyes, his (e/c) meeting yours.

"What's up?" you asked, sitting down, yawning.

"Do you see Niji?" he asked.

You looked at the bed. "He should be- not there, obviously." You smiled nervously. You stood and walked to the bed. Niji wasn't there. Weird.

"What's wrong?" (b/n) asked.


"Why were you sleeping on the couch?"

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