Chapter 9

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After B/N said he let a guard to take Althalos to the medical room, everything went to a mess. Althalos wasn’t inside the medical room. Guards have been looking for him inside and outside the castle but he was found nowhere. That condition of course, make Ray panicked and Leon, being Althalos’ best friend, mad at B/N.

“You said, you let a guard take him to the medical room. But you didn’t remember how he looked like? Are you serious? Y/N said his body temperature is really high and you let the guard take him?! What are you thinking?! You should’ve accompany them! Look what happened now. Do you know that high temperature can make we loose our sight, destroying the nerve on our body?! If we don’t handle it from now, it will make his condition worse! And you, you should’ve know that! What the fuck were you thinking?!” Leon yelled, pulling your brother by his collar.

Ray buried his face in his hand. Mumbling the words 'Where are you, Al?' again and again.

You looked at Leon, B/N and Ray back and forth. “Leonid. Please don’t be too rude to my brother,” you finally spoke up. Looking at Leon.

Leon threw a dead glare at you. “Shut the fuck up! It’s his fucking fault!” He glared back at B/N.

“But what can we do if he forgot? We can’t do anything!” You walked to them and pushed Leon.

“We don’t know if he is ly- Right…” He smirked. “I can ask you myself.” He walked to B/N.

You quickly stood in front of him. “No, Leonid, no.”

“It won’t hurt him. Just let me do it. And I won’t suspect him anymore.”

“But what if you hurt him?”

“I said it fucking won’t!”

“Still, you’re being disrespectful to a prince.”

“Girl, I don’t give a fuck. Now get away before I hurt you,” he warned as he held out his hand. “Get away. You will regret it.”

You shook you head. “No!”

“If that’s your choice.” He smiled as fire started forming on his hand, swirling. “You ask for this.” His eyes became light green. You gulped. You glanced at B/N and he just looking down, not sure though, maybe regretting the reckless thing he did. You shut your eyes close.

“Leonid Zadornof. I demand you to stop.”

Regulus. It was Regulus's voice. You opened your eyes and looked at him. His purple eyes seems… shiny? Leon gritted his teeth, but he didn’t look at Ray's eyes. Instead, he looked away. The fire on his hand started to fade. “I thought I’ve told you to not hurt a woman whatever the situation is.”

“Y-Yes. You’ve told me.”

“Then why did you try to hurt her?” Ray asked, raising his voice.

“I just wanted to ask her brother,” Leon replied, looking down.

“Look at my eyes.”

Leon suddenly looked up, looking at Ray’s eyes. “You cheater. You said you won’t use your speciality to us!” he hissed, somehow just look different and just, not him anymore.

“Get me Leon back.”

Leon close his eyes, taking a deep breath before running his hands through his hair, looking depressed. Then looked straightly at Ray’s eyes. “What about Al?!” he yelled. “You probably don’t care about him but I do! He’s like a brother to me, Ray. You know it.”

“I do care about him. Just calm down.”

“How the fuck can I calm down when he’s fucking missing?!”

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