Chapter 4

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Life's weird. Oh, maybe I am the weird one.

Happy Valentine's day~! ❤
Too bad I'm #ForeverAlone


They walked to the guest room, and sat on a couch. Ichiji sat on obviously his chair with 1 written on it. While Althalos and Leon sat on the same couch, and Regulus sat alone. You put your ear on the door, trying to eavesdrop.

“Sometimes you should visit us,” Al said. “Yeah. We always visit you. It’s not fair,” Leon spoke up.

“I never ask you to visit me,” Ichiji replied coldly. “Mean…” they said at the same time.

Ray clear his throat. “So, Ichiji. What do you want to say again?”

“Oh, you know. Political marriage.”

“Heh. Who is it?”

“Niji and that girl from before.”

“(Y/n)… hm, but why is she staying here though. Shouldn’t she stayed at her kingdom before her marriage? Especially when she will stay here after her marriage.”

“Her parents are… strict.”

Ray smiled. “They are they.”

“But you hear the news?” Leon asked. “What news?” Ichiji asked back. "About her kingdom, what is its name again?”

“Zeith,” Al answered.

“Yeah, that. Zeith kingdom is-“ Al covered Leon’s mouth with his hand. “What the hell, Al?!” Leon shouted. Pushing Al's hand.

“Shush. Someone’s listening to us.”

Your eyes widened in surprise. 'How did he know?'

“What? Who would?” Leon asked. Al looked around. “Not in this room…” He looked at the door. “There.  Someone’s eavesdropping us from outside of this room.” He pointed at the door.

“You know who is it?”

“It’s her.”

You took a step back from the door. 'Dang it! How did he do that?!' You stared at the door and still walking backwards. Feeling more cautious. Until you bump into someone and almost randomly punch them but they hold your wrist.

You turned around and saw a man with pale skin, gray eyes, long blond hair. Looking at you. Looking down at you. “What are you doing?” he asked.

"Oh, I-I wanted to go that way… but I… bump to you.” You said, pointing behind him. “My wrist please.”

He tighten his grip on your wrist. “Were you eavesdropping on them?” You looked nervously at him, starting to feel scared. And the door from the guest room opened.

“Perce,” Al said. “And… (Y/n) (L/n).”

Did you felt her presence? She was eavesdropping on you.”

“Yeah. Why were you eavesdropping on us?”

“Well… I didn’t.”

“Stop lying.”

You bite your lower lip.

“Answer,” Perce said sharply.

“Perce. Let go of her wrist,” Ray spoke up, before Perce can respond, someone tapped his shoulder. Perce turned to the person and saw Niji.

Niji raised an eyebrow, seeing him holding your wrist. “What’s happening?” he asked. He walked to you, grabbing Perce's wrist. “Why are you touching her?” he asked.

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