Chapter 17

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I just found a hate page of me

I just found a hate page of me

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Anyways, to the story


It's time for go to the festival. You have to convince your ministers to let you and the others went downtown. You changed to something more comfortable, you decided to wore a kimono, just like Niji and the others.

You and the others went downtown using a carriage. When you arrived there, almost everyone were surprised and started to make a crowd surrounding you, but they somehow finally leave all of you alone.

You split up with the others and wandered around the festival with Niji. You were mesmerized by the festival, it wasn't a big festival but it was beautiful. Niji grabbed your hand and smile at you. "Do you want to play something?" he asked.

You looked around, a jolly atmophere always managed to quickly rub off on you. There simply was nothing more beautiful than happiness being bestowed upon the people.

Though, your attention soon brought back to your current surroundings as your ears met the gentle splashing of water. Turning your head towards the source, your E/C orbs lit up like sparks when you set your gaze onto a "Goldfish scooping" stall.

It was already occupied by a few children and their parents as they attempted to fish out the goldfish from the small plastic pool, joyful smiles evident on their faces.

Niji raised an eyebrow. "That? Alright."

You and Niji walked to the booth. You've always wanted to play that game, but there never seemes to be an ideal opportunity.

"Ah! Mom! Dad! Look, I got one! I got one!" a little girl exclaimed rapturously as she held up the bowl where the caught goldfish was swimming in, her partially torn poi in the other hand. Her parents smiled gently at their daughter and thanked the stall keeper as he handed them a bag to put the fish in and return the bowl.

"Would the princess like to play one round as well?" the vendor now directed his attention on you, seanding a smile your way. You smiled back. "Thank you very much, I'd like to give it a try."

The middle-aged man gave an unused poi and the bowl to you as you rolled up the sleeves of your kimono and crouched in front of the small plastic pool. You knew that the paper poi was covered with tore quite easily so you had to be careful.

Dipping the hand-held widget into the water, you slowly and deftly moved it around, chasing the unsuspecting sea dwellers to try to scoop one of them out. The fish was lissome, but you were certain you could win this game with a little patience.

Your concentration was solely dedicated to the animals in the water, you E/C gems fixed on the shaol of a goldfish, particularly on that single one you were stealthily chasing.

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