Happy Halloween~! 🎃👻

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There will be a ‘me' and in this story and that’s mean me, uh… the author, alright? First thing first, I’m gonna say HAPPY HALLOWEEN!


Me: Hi! *wave hand* It’s me, Chelsea, or as you may know, the author. Since you probably don’t know what I looked like, I suggest you imagine a teenager [My age is a secret! XD I'm not old, okay?] a brown haired girl that is wearing a vampire costume, yes, vampire, I love ‘em, don’t forget the fangs and the cloack, dear (y/n)’s imagination, please… imagine it. Anyway I'm gonna say this again together, HAP-! Hey, all of you! Come here! *narrowed eyes at a door*

*sound of someone groaning, punching a wall, laughing madly and someone tryin' to calm them down*

Me: ...(y/n), I'm scared now, If I'm not doing any update in a close time, I died, because of them.

*the door kicked open, flying towards me*

Me: Holy crap! *dodge the door* thanks to my good reflexes, but, Hey!

Ichiji: *walked in and crossed his arms* Why do I have to wear a vampire costume?
[You: seriously, author? Me: yes- I love Ichiji]

Niji: *grumbling* And what is this?! Werewolf?!
Yonji: And is this a Frankenstein? [Can't think of anything else]

Reiju: *smiling* I like mine. [She's wearing an angel costume, kay?]

Ichiji, Niji and Yonji: Where is she?!

Me: *hiding behind a flower pot in a squat position* Why are they mad? Today’s Halloween.

*Ichiji suddenly appeared and stood in front of me*

*Niji standing next to me on the right*

*Yonji standing next to me on the left*

Me: *sweatdrop* You must know that I'm not hiding.

~few minutes later

Me: Why the hell am I tied into a chair?!

Yonji: Shut up.

Me: Wait, I know a situation similar with this, when (y/n) is kidnapped and you *pointed at Ichiji* helped her.

Ichiji: Althalos, huh?

Me: Yeah, wanna take him here? I can make him be right here.

Ichiji: No need to-

*Althalos suddenly appeared*

Me: :3

Althalos: Oh, someone teleported me, who is it?

Niji: *pointed at me* She’s the one.

Althalos: *raised an eyebrow* Why are you tied into a chair?

Me: yea, It’s a long story, but short story short, today’s Halloween. So please, I'm begging you, let go of this rope, Althalos. You love Halloween right?

Althalos: I… no.

Me: What?

Althalos: I'm not in the mood for helping someone, so help yourself, and another no, I like day of the dead, at November second, not Halloween.

Me: shoot, I forgot that November second is your birthday! And yes, dear reader, day of the dead is his birthday.

Althalos: see? You forgot my birthday. I don’t really care though, now, bye. *walked away*

Me: Nooo! Althalos!

Ichiji: Now shut up and tell us. Why are we using costumes?

Niji: I'd rather wear Raid Suit for an eternity.

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