Chapter 12

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Your face turned red. Embarassed to the fact that Niji just kissed you and Althalos saw it. Althalos jaw's open agape. You jumped off Niji's lap, standing in front of Niji and hid your face with your hands. 

 "...Niji," Althalos growled as he walked to Niji. He grabbed Niji by his collar. "You fucking kissed my sister!" he roared. 

 Niji raised an eyebrow. "Your sister...?" 

 Althalos realized what he did just say and turned to you, letting go of his grip on Niji's collar. "Wait, Y/N. I-" 

 "Is it true? You're my brother?" you asked him. 

 "No...?" He shrugged nervously. 

 "Althalos. You can't lie." 

"Um..., I'm not?" He looked away from you. 

"Althalos. Please answer it. Are you my brother?" 


You looked at his face and his face were just saying 'Oh, shit. What did I just say' "Is it true?" 

 "I..." He sighed. "I never thought I'll tell you like this." 

"So you are?" 

"Is it weird if I say yes?" 

"You are my brother!" You grinned as you jump to hugged him, but he can easily dodged it. "Let me hug you!" you hissed. 

 "Never in a million years!" He laughed. 

 Niji stood and pushed Althalos towards you. "Just accept the hug," he mumbled. "She have been living in lies these years." 

"Yes! Thanks, Niji." You hugged him tightly, giving him a bone-crushing hug. 

"Oh, shit," Althalos mumbled. He didn't hugged you back but he patted your head. "So, you knew all this time?" he asked. 

"Yup. I came here after Ray told me that our DNAs match." 

 "Ray.... Of course. I know it from him, too." He ruffled your hair. "Now, stop hugging me." 

You break the hug and grinned at Althalos. "I'm glad I met you!" 

"Yeah, yeah. Back to Niji. You kissed her?" He turned to Niji. 

 "...It's fine, right? I mean, I'm her fiance, I can kiss her." 

"Sure. You can. I'm not that overprotective brothers who don't let their sister went out with boys. But, why. Did. You. Kissed. Her?" 

"...She was scared." 

"And you thought kissing her was the correct way to calm her down?" 

"Maybe... It can make her feel calm...? Or, make her fall asleep?" 

"You think that'd work?" 


"Or was that just a reason so you could kiss my sister?" 


"You bastard. It will not." 

"How did you know it won't?" 

He turned to you. "Do you felt calm after the kiss?"

You shook your head. "Not really." You glanced at Niji. He's giving you the 'Please just lie one time' "I mean, yes. I felt calm. I felt kinda sleepy, too." 

"Your first anwer was no." He looked back at Niji. "You fucki-" 

"Language," you spoke up. 

 "What's your suggestion, though?" Niji challenged Al. "What's your suggestion to make a girl that just had a nightmare about her childhood life where her parents were killed fall asleep?" 

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