Chapter 10

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You stared at the dead body in front of you. It was the doctor from before.

She’s dead. Drowned in water. People found her body at the river, floating. Her lifeless body is floating at the river.

“She’s… dead?” you asked yourself. “Did someone killed her?” You turned to the police superintendent.

He nodded. “There’s a few signs that she was fighting the culprit.”

“Why would anyone killed her?”

He shook his head. “I’m sorry but i don’t know yet, princess Y/N.”

“Please find the killer.”

“We definitely will.” He nodded at you and walked out from the room. You glanced back at the body one more time before you followed him outside.


“...It didn’t match with my DNA?” You asked the person you’re calling. Regulus Jackson.

“Yeah… That’s weird. Maybe he’s adopted? Or maybe your step brother?”

“I’m not sure…”

“Your father, mother and brother’s DNA didn’t match with your too. Their DNAs, they all are different and not related.”

“W-What? You mean we, a family, out DNAs didn’t match?”

“Nope. I’ve search through some old files and there are files about your parents, and from their files, their DNAs matches with yours.”

“What…? This is getting complicated.”

“So, you see, your parents now, isn’t actually your parents. I think your real parents died and they replaced them.”

“But, why would they?”

“I don’t know. Your brother too, he’s not your real brother.”


“Feels impossible, I know. But there another thing that is interesting.”

“What? Tell me.”

“I have nothing to do so I decided to also test other people around you, test their DNAs too, and there’s one person match their DNA with you.”

“T-There is? Who?”

“You probably won’t believe me but it’s Althalos.”

You narrowed your eyes. “There’s no way, Ray. You must’ve put B/N's data close to Al's and accidentally switch theirs.”

“I think like that too, and then I tried to test it again few times and it’s true. This will sounds really impossible to you but, I think Althalos is your brother.”

“No way…”

“I know, right? It’s impossible. He said his parents were murdered then her sister was taken away from him. He managed to survive though.”

“But… I never remember seeing him when I was a child. I only remember B/N and my parents.”

“This is gonna be complicated, wait, it already is. I’ll search something up for you.”

“Thanks, Ray.”

“No problem. Oh, one more thing. What do you think of Christmas?”

“Christmas? It’s fun, I guess. But, I kind of forgot few parts of my Christmas when I was little.”

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