Chapter 8

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“What about this one?”


“And this one?”

“Not bad.”



“That one right there.”




“Please be serious.”

“Look, I will not wear a dress for our wedding. Just pick it yourself.”

“But I need suggestions.”

“You want suggestions? Black and blue.”

“But the color for wedding supposed to be white!”

He laughed. “You’re right. Black’s for death. Just go search for a blue and white dress. Oh, I know. You wore white dress and I wore blue suit.”

“That doesn’t sound bad.”


“Right! You’re a genius!“

“I know. I am genius.”

“…I’ll search for a white wedding dress I probably like.” You looked at the dozens of wedding dress in front of you. That room is full with wedding dresses. “And you, go search one for me too.” You pointed at Niji.

He looked at you lazily. “Seriously?”

“Yes. It’s going to be a special moment, Niji.”

“It won’t if we don’t love each other.”

“Still, once in a lifetime.”

He sighed and stood from the couch he was sitting on, walking to a bunch of wedding dresses, while you walking to another side of the room, searching for a wedding dress you’d like. When you’re looking for a dress, the door to the room opened. B/N walked in.

“Y/N,” he called out.

You turned to him. “Oh, hey, B/N. What’s up- Wait. What are you doing here? Go to the lab!”

“I’ve been there. The doctor wasn’t there. So I went here.”

“What for?”

“Just seeing my little sister.”

You scoffed. “Stop lying.”

He snickered. “Alright. I'm telling you that a king from Judgement Castle came here.”

“Judgement Castle…?”

“Regulus Jackson.”

“Regulus, Ray. Of course. Yeah, yeah,” you replied. “Why?”

“I’m going to make an alliance with him.”

“What? Is there going to be a war or something?”

“No, just alliance.”

“Okay. Go to the lab, please.”

“There’s no one there.”

“There’s no way there’s no one, B/N.”

“I swear there’s no one.”

“There’s one!” Niji shouted.

You and B/N look at him. “Oh? You found one interesting?” You asked, walking to him.

“I think so,” he replied. He took the dress and show it to you.

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