Chapter 5

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You stopped at your place and turned around. "What did you say?"

"I said, you're a burden," Al replied calmly. You walked to him, getting mad and pulled him by his collar, making him extremely surprised. You stared at his red eyes. Those eyes somehow look familiar.

"You, Althalos Beacons, did you know that your words can hurt someone's feelings?"

He slightly laughed. "You're a brave one. Not many people are brave enough to pull my collar."

"Did. You. Know?" you glared at him. Seeing his eyes. He stared back at your eyes.

"You... seems familiar," he mumbled before he pushed your hand away. "I know. That's why I said those words."

"Are you mad?! You could hurt many people's feelings! And they're just human, normal humans! Not like you, you have no heart!"

"No, no, I still have a heart. If you want to see someone that is heartless, saw Perce." He glanced at Perce.

"You sick fuck."

"Rude princess. Don't hate me if you don't know me."

"Alright. Tell me about yourself, then I'll hate you," you demanded.

"What do you want me to tell you?" he asked, his face shows he doesn't even interested to answer of you ask.

"Why do you act like that to people? You just act really, really annoying. You hurt people's feelings, you do whatever you want."

He smirked. "Yeah. I do what I want."

Leon snickered. "He do what he wants."

"Answer me."

"...why do I act like this...?" he asked himself. "Maybe because... I want people to try even more, to prove that they can do better. You know, I've been in the more worse position than them all."

"What position?"

"Oh, you know. Just my parents being killed in front of my eyes, and my... forget it." He looked away and walked to the guest room. Leaving all of you.

You frowned. "His parents were murdered?" you murmured.

"Well, (y/n), I can tell you what happened, but I respect his privacy. You can ask him yourself. When you two are closer," Leon suggested.

...Althalos Beacons. I'll just search something 'bout him.

Ray rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry about Althalos. He kind of have been through something really rough when he was just a child."

"Yeah. It's okay, I guess. But what were you all saying about Zeith?"

"Oh, that. I think you should ask your fam- uh, no, not your family, your people about it."


"It's up to you though. I don't care."

"I thought you were kind."

"I am, sometimes. I just don't care about your kingdom's problem."


"We're going to Zeith?" you asked Niji again.

He nodded. "Reiju told me we should stay at your castle before our, well, marriage."

"Yess!!" you cheered. "When are we going?"

"Anytime you want."

"Wait. I'll prepare my things." You ran to the wardrobe and randomly put clothes in your luggage. After you've done with packing. You walked around the kingdom, searching for Niji. And found him hanging out with his siblings, well, training is the right words.

You looked at them. Seeing them training at the training field.

...what do I do? You asked yourself. I can walk to them but it will disturb their training. Oh gosh, I just want to get back to Zeith and met mom, dad, and (B/n).

You sighed and turned back around. Walking back to Niji's room. You walked to the balcony and stared at them. "Niji...," you mumbled. "I hope I can trust you."


You walked out from the carriage. Being greeted by your people. They were cheering at you and Niji. Niji walked out from the carriage and helped you to walked out. He held out his hand. You hold it and walked out from the carriage. Your people just keep cheering at you.

You smiled at them and wave your hand. Making them cheer louder. As the guards were holding them so they can't touch you. You make your way to the kingdom with Niji. You looked at the gate and saw (b/n) standing there. He smiled at you.

"(Y/n)," he greeted, smiling. You ran to him and hugged him. He laughed and hug you back. "Hey, sis."

You break the hug and punch his arm playfully. "Hey, bro." You smiled.

He turned to Niji. His warm-looking eyes turned cold. "Niji."

Niji nod. "(b/n)."

"Let's get in, shall we?" He lead the way inside the kingdom, walking pass the kingdom's garden. He pulled you closer to him. "Tell me if he did something bad to you," he whispered.

You grinned. "Will do."

He smiled and ruffled your hair, messing it.

"Hey!" you shouted, your hands on your hair. "Don't mess it up, (b/n)."

He laughed. "Sorry."

"Father and Mother told us to not act childish in front of people!"

"But there's only guards, gardeners and us."

"Guards and gardeners are people." You narrowed your eyes.

He sighed. "Right. I forgot they were people."

"Wait. What?"

He smirked. "Nothing. And stop talking about them." He looked straight at the stone path.

"Them? You mean Mother and Father? Why?"

"I just- don't want to talk about them."

"Is there something happening?"

"Nope, everything's fine."

"Hey." You hold his arm. Stopping him. "Tell me what happened."

He stared at your eyes, looking hesitantly. Then shook his head. "Nothing, (y/n)." He ran his hand through his hair.

"If you two want to talk I can walk away," Niji spoke up. You and (b/n) turned to him. You glanced at (b/n). He was mumbling something, like beating something up before he smile and pat Niji's shoulder. "Nah. Let's get inside."

The guards opened the door to the kingdom and your parents were standing there. Smiling. You jumped to hugged them. And they happily hugged you back. After a few moments of talking. A servant lead you to your room and Niji to his room. You thanked the servant and locked the door. Walking to the bed and lay on it.

What was (b/n) mumbling about? And what happened here when I was going?

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