Chapter 16

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It was an awkward, like really awkward silence between Al and Niji. The two doesn't know what to say and just stayed silent in the Chamber of Gathering. Al was just sipping his tea, nervously, while Niji, looking uncomfortable as ever. Al sighed and put the cup back on the table. Al stared at Niji. "So, Niji, you love my sister?"

Oh, fuck. The future brother-in-law questions are coming. Niji thought.


You looked at the fleet coming toward the beach. You were standing on the beach by Leon, Aaron and many soldiers. "I guess they won't turned back. Aaron, get ready."

Aaron nod his head, you could tell that he was nervous. Leon hand you the snail phone. "Here, try to call them again."

You grabbed the it and contacted them, they picked up the phone. "Hey. You sure you won't go back?"

"No. I am really sure I will not go back."

"I mean... I don't want to sink your ships."

"You don't want to 'cause you can't. Stop calling us."

"You do know that we have Judgement Castle on our side, right?"

"...we know. We're ready." They hung up.

You huffed. You gave back the snail phone to a soldier. "Get ready!" you shouted. You could saw at the coner of your eyes Leon was smiling. Why was he smiling?

"Aaron. Block their ship," Leon commanded.

"Right away, Sir." Aaron walked to the sea, he kneeled next to the water, put his hand on top of the water, and the sea, in a blink of an eye, turned to ice. The ice was getting higher on the fleet's side, blocking the ships way, making them stop moving. The ships were swinging right and left, few soldiers come out to the decks to checked what happened. You could hear them yelling, "Captain! There's ice blocking our way!"

You smiled. "Thanks, Aaron!"

"Uh, anytime," he replied. Still focusing on the ice.

"We can do anything as long as we don't kill them, right?" Leon asked.

"Yep. Lord Ray would be mad if we kill," Aaron answered. He stood and turned to you and Leon. "What're you thinking?"

Leon grinned. "Fire balls?" he asked, fire swirling on his hands.

"Wait, what?"

Leon turned to the sea and started to threw fire balls from his hands toward the ships as he laughed like a maniac. He took something from his pocket. A lighter.

"What're you gonna do with that?"

"Oh, this is a never ending hellfire lighter. I got it from Perce when we're celebrating winter." A wide grin plastered on his face. He suddenly moved really fast, when you realized where he was, he was on the ship. You narrowed your eyes, focusing the see him, when a guard came and gave a telescope. You use the telescope and looked at Leon's action.

He was laughing like a madman as he use his lighter and threw fireballs at the machines and stuff, important stuff. When soldiers tried to stop him, they ended up being stopped by Leon. "Oh, man. You weaklings!" Leon shouted. "It's been so long since I have fun like this!" he continued as he laughed.

You turned to Aaron. He was just sweat-dropping. He looked at you. "Should we stop him?"

"Up to you."

Aaron sighed and vanished from the place he was standing. Wait. Did he just teleport or he moved really fast? You asked yourself.


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