Chapter 7

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You and Niji walked to town, walking pass the lights, trees, benches, and stores. You looked around. “I never thought Zeith was this beautiful.”

“You should spend some time with your people,” Niji said. “And about what’s happening in your kingdom. Why don’t you ask them?” he asked, pointing at a bunch of people talking at the sidewalk.

“You’re right. Wait for me. Don’t leave me, okay?”

He shrugged. You walked to them. There were a few men and women. You patted one of the women’s shoulder. She turned to you, then she smiled.

“Hi there,” she said.

You smiled back. “Hi, Can I ask you something?”

“Oh, sure, dear. Wait, have we meet before? I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere.”

“Really? I don’t think so.”

“Oh, okay then. What did you want to ask again?”

“About this kingdom. Do you know what was happening? I think it’s something important or really phenomenal.”

“Something… important?” She turned to her friends, asking something. Then turned back at you. “Do you mean the rumors about the king and his family?”

You killed the urge to narrowed your eyes. “Yes. About… the king.”

“Almost everybody know that! Even people from outside,” She said. “About the rumors. The rumors said that…” she leaned closer. “King (f/n), queen (m/n) and prince (b/n) is a fraud,” she whispered.

Your eyes widened in surprise. “Why?”

“I’m not sure.” She shook her head.

“And the princess?”

“They say the king, queen and prince are fooling the princess. That the real Royal is just the princess.”

“Oh, thanks, miss.” You smiled.  She nodded and talk back to her friends. You walked back to Niji, frowning.

He sighed. “You said frowning isn’t a good habit. But, anyways, what did she say?”

“She said my father, mother and brother is a fraud.”

“Why did she say that?”

“Because it’s the rumors.”

“Okay. Forget about it. Tonight, let’s have fun,” He said, looking at the buildings and stores.

“You’re planning to spend all of your money?”

“Let’s see.” He smiled, he offered his hand. “Shall we?”

He changed. He definitely did.

“Nah. I’m not touching your hand.”

“You just make me embarrassed myself.”

“Yeah. Yeah, I did.” You smiled back.

“Oh, well. Let’s se what we have here.” He put his hands inside his pockets. You and Niji wandered around town that night. Together.


“(Y/n)'s not in her room?” B/N asked.

A guard nodded. “Yes, your highness. She’s not in her room.”

B/N groaned and walked to the guard, pulling him by his collar. “What about Niji?”

The guard gulped. “He’s not in his room too.”

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