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What if I told you that my whole life was spent in a Hospital...

Yeah, with No friend, family or any one to guide you. No interest was shown in your life or anything. Well, let me tell you a little about myself..

"My name is Archard Thompson, and I am seventeen years old. As you might say, I'm an orphan. My parents no longer required my presence in their lives. They opted to give me up because I was a toddler at the time. I applaud them as well.

I live my whole life sick and in and out of the hospital. Correction I've never been out of here but I'm constantly being sick... No need to get into my back ground story or feel sorry for me instead lets get to the future; the good stuff.

"Mr Thompson you ready to get your pills" the calm collective voice said, she sounds new.

I guess there's one more thing I should mention: I'm blind, yet I'm always sick. The physicians are baffled as to what is wrong with me. As a result, I'm always being treated and living my life as a test subject. It's not as horrible as it appears; I've made friends with some of the doctors and nurses, as well as some of the patients. They go back and forth. They come and go, and sometimes they don't come back at all. It's lonely at times, but that's life.

Being alone is something I'm used to. I'm not grumpy or self-pitying. I'm just trying to make ends meet. I don't want to seem like I'm attempting to live my life, but that boat has sail long ago.

"Archard come on"

"Ohk Betts," she's my favorite nurse. I would say; she's like a mom to me. I may not say it to her. The woman of age her mid -forties. She's calm and has a compassionate heart. She is like a mom to me, but I won't tell her that. I wouldn't know what a mom loves is like, but I picture it like how she treats me. Ever since I was brought here: when I was four years old, she was here for me never leaving my side. And now I'm going to turn eighteen. And still by her side.

"Uh your skin is too pink, look I'm gonna get you some bed spray i can't have you looking like a bug meal or an ant hole"

"Uh I'm white it tends to happen when your getting eaten by bug every day."

"Oh you poor child , you didn't have to make it sound so bad"

"No don't feel sorry for me, Betts I'm just your poor average sad little orphan who expect nothing and gets nothing after being eaten by bugs"

"oh stop. So who are you are you spending your Christmas with child "

"Well as usual here I guess."

"Oh no no child spend it with me .. Since my niece will be spending it with us this year.. you simply must come! I won't take no for an answer. she's 21 and a bit anti-social, she don't got a lot of friends. she going to turn a nurse as well just hoping its soon. just don't worry about her being shy cause she's attracted to the other Gender.. Who know maybe you'll change her status. So what do you say? I won't take no for answer child"

"oo-ohk..... but i have to hear what the doctor has to say first"

"Oh wonderful"

"Now get some rest I'll see you tomorrow bright and early".

"Ok mam tell Eric hi" she smile and hug me left. I cant wait till tomorrow i miss her already.

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Next day..............

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