Strange things 💅👄👣

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"What the actuall fuck! no! are you crazy!!"
I stood up and got  ready to go back up stair

"Yet you agreed!"

"What did I agreed to exactly?"

"To moving in with Lily cause I was stating  that she had a apartment and she live alone so why not?"

"And you made that decision on your own..."

i was done for it ......


i walk over to my pink laptop, planning to do some online shopping. it was Saturday afternoon and i was bored out my mind, i had a afternoon shift at the hospital. 

Aunt was in various places of the house, and i had already seen that there would be nothing that would interest me in this house. just a boring old Saturday morning.

i clicked the internet explorer and went to pretty little thing, which i usually didn't do, since they were so expensive but i wanted to spoil my self. i came across a add in link which say a man by Johnson mashiek died in an accident the world biggest mafia leader and his wife Rosalinda mashief a famous model and Daughter of a billionaire ........ this app was call bishop it's like a international friends app feed.

"you've got mail " my computer made that annoying noise that it uses when it got messages. hmm, i usually don't get mail on my account but i guess today an exception i guess

i open it up, it said it was from a Johnson mashiek where have i herd that name, oh well i clicked the open its 

message: Hello my dear 

me:  Hi

Message:  how have you been

Message:  i'm good

Message:  do you mind me asking you a question ?

Me:  uh? .......sure I guess.. then it finally hit me this  is a dead man talking to me ...or could be a pervert.

Message:  are you afraid ?

Me   : no why? Should I be?

Message:  i get not but  why not i thought that people would be scared in-talking to a  dead person ...fuck!!! He knows I know it cool Asia don't lose your pool.

me ?: your dead?" Lets entertain the perv.

"I've seen other wise,  now what do you want ?" Play it kool Asia,  and don't shit your pants.

Message:  i want to know,  that patient the young boy,  that  .... your taking care of,  is he by any chance,  ok?

Me: what boy what tha... are you a pervert or something what the hell!!

Message:  no i'm not i'm just a family friend and i was wondering 

me: well which boy are you talking i look after a lot of patient 

message: the one that your closest to

me : i don't understand i'm close with all my patient

Message: "the blind one. Archard...Archard thompson."
That was the name that brought chill to my spinal cord.

Message : just tell i just want to know  is he OK just give me that pierce of information. Anything I beg of you..

Me: well....hes fine. 

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