Fallen love❤

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"What the hell is going on here?"

"Umm" Asia stumbled at her words she couldn't make out the first letter because her throat was dry from the feared building up in her stomach...it was over someone cought them.....There was no time to think ...

"exactly what you see Jessica Now stop your giving me an ahead ache" Archard bellowed annoyedly.

"oh please Archard I told you to act surprise,  how was that your best?"

Oh that ' gasping and covering his mouth oh my gosh jessica what a surprise you cought us ..Please don't tell"

"Little late than ever bwoy'o"

" I tried" Archard utter

"wait?? what? you know?!!"

"yes I've known from days and put a sock in it you guys should really be careful of how you guys act in public suppose i was Amanda or the head nurse them you'll know what cruelty is.
now guys, your lucky it was me ..i for one is highly honoured to experience such joyful love"

a rather highly strung nervous state all during that week.

"and you knew that she know this whole time Archard?"

"yes i'd know but it was hard to keep things from her especially when you know that she has be holding a gigantic needle in her hands threatening you"

I couln't see, but the tension and fear build  in me just gave it away I could feel, my skin getting plagiarised with the needle and it wasn't even glaze with my skin as yet.

"so you gave me up for a needle!"

"I'm sorry Asia"

"no I will not!, you know how dangerous it is Archard I could've lost my job"

"come Asia she's your  best friend"

"yes, so what  if it wasn't her ..then what"

"Well it wasn't,  come on Asaia"

"Asia don't kill him my mouth is seal beside your my bestfriend so stop your yabbering on about"

"You don't get it jessica"

"aah you guys look so cute when your fighting Asia don't be upset with him after all its my fault .. "

"AAAAAH forget it " Asia walk out the room leaving jessica and Archard worried.


------------------------------------------------- music start here- - - - -- - 

As long as his father and mother lived, he was more or less taken care of; he suffered little save from his horrible infirmity; but as soon as  his heart is heal he will be ok, an atrocious life of misery commenced for him.

His face was very pale and his two big white eyes looked like wafers. He remained unmoved at all the insults hurled at him, so reserved that one could not tell whether he felt them.

As soon as he finished his soup he went and sat outside the door in summer and in winter beside the balcony at the hospital, and did not stir again all the evening. He made no gesture, no movement; only his eyelids, quivering from some nervous affection, fell down sometimes over his white, sightless orbs. Had he any intellect, any thinking faculty, any consciousness of his own existence? Nobody cared to inquire. Being blind he knew the hospital ground ever inch and point ..as child growing up this was only his home to live by.

It is easy to imagine all the cruel practical jokes inspired by his blindness. And, in order to have some fun in return for feeding him, they now converted his meals into hours of pleasure for the neighbors and of punishment for the helpless creature himself.

"Whats wrong with that man mommy?"

"He's blind hun and poor and defenceless he can really help himself"

Then the spectators ranged along the wall would burst out laughing, nudge each other and stamp their feet on the floor. And he, without ever uttering a word, would continue eating with his right hand, while stretching out his left to protect his plate.

He was placed somewhere on the high-bed on evaluation day, and as soon as he heard the sound of footsteps or the sweet aloring sound of an angel,  he reached out his hand, stammering:

"Asia,  please talk to me!"

But the peasant is not lavish, and for whole weeks he did not bring utter her name because it only brought sadness to his heart. But today he was blessed with her preasant. Her alluring beauty.

Then he became the victim of furious, pitiless hatred. And this is how he died of hurt when he heart her footstep walk right pass him..

Three week later....

One winter morning, the ground was covered with snow, and it was freezing hard. His physiotherapy led him one morning a great distance along the stairs in order that he might smell the cool air. The blind kid was left there all day; if it wasn't for the helpful nurses and doctor who rescued him..

"Archard! What the fuck is wrong with you!!!? Why would you come out here you know it's dangerous.  What in your right mind are you thinking! She pulled him with fury in her pull and anger blocking her vision. .

"best not bother about him! He was lost and got something to take the stress away. Never fear! he's not lost. He's just alone ." An unusable voice utter towards him. Sound like an angel....

Asia pulled him inside ignoring the strange blonde hair doctor and led him back to his room. And left him with hug of worry and a kiss and fear.

Next day She did not come back.........

"Archard i forgive you"

"you do." a loud echo of quiet echo threw the room. null.

"yes" she smirked at his answer .. he felt back unto his bed with so much vibrant energy. he look so much happy.

"are you serious you don't know how happy you made me..can i have a hug from you"

"forget it "

"please" she bend over to him and her face was 3 in away from his. slowly backing away from him he pulled her unto him .. "Archard let me go "

"no why should I?"

"let go now Archard that's enough" she wispered just loud enough so he could hear her.  that's was when she realize that this would never be enough for her she wanted him to never let go of her hold, to keep her forever... but wasnt possible she she will make this change.. she cant allow that, the fact that he has her heart... she felt tears rolled down her cheeck then she kissed him. And you know what happen next😋

sorry about the late update I really appreciate the viewers...

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