Chapter 1

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Aidey looked at the eggs in front of her. They looked beautiful. Beside her, Dehious, her mate, was nodding, tired from all his restless days of looking after the eggs. She smiled, and laid her mate down on their bed, and whispered 'sleep' into her mate's ear. Her mate visibly relaxed, and soon, he was sleeping comfortably. Aidey smiled at the sight of her mate sleeping, and continued smiling when she turned her head and looked at the eggs. Never in a million years did ever think that she'd become a mother. But here she was, now the mother of four eggs. Smiling, Aidey turned the lights off and laid down beside her mate, and went to sleep.


Aidey was flying. She had promised her friends that she would meet them this evening. It was their normal routine of fridays. Aidey and her friends finished their work as fast as they could, checked out, and always met and hung out together. Today was no exception. As usual, Aidey had finished her work fast, and was now on her way to meet her friends. Soon, she arrived at the promised destination, and landed. Apparently she was the first one to arrive. A fewminutes later, a mass of violet scales landed, and greeted her. 'Hey, Aidey.'

Aidey replied back. 'Hey, Hasin.'

'Ilina not here yet?' Hasin asked.

'Not yet.' replied Aidey. So they waited. About 10 minutes later, wing beats were heard. And another mass of red scales landed. 'Sorry I'm late.' she said, panting. 'But work finished late.'

'It's ok, Ilina.' said Aidey, and pulled out her phone and looked at the clock. 'You're not that late anyways.'

'So, where are we going today?' asked Hasin, changing the subject.

'Dunno.' Aidey replied. 'I want to drink. Do you guys feel like drinking?'

'Hell, yeah!' Ilina replied, and Hasin agreed as well. So the trio started towards the bar they usually went. Soon, they reached the bar, and each ordered a glass of beer. The drinks were soon out, and they started found a seat, and started to talk.

'So, how was your week?' started Aidey, after taking a sip from her drink.

'Not bad.' Replied Ilina, also taking a sip from her drink. 'Nothing new.' said Hasin, beside her. Aidey nodded, and took another sip, and started to talk about her week. Her friends listened to her, and added their comments here and there.


'What next?' asked Aidey, after getting pleasantly drunk and walking out of the bar.

'Let's go to a club! Party and dance!' Ilina parctically yelled, also a bit drunk as well. Hasin nodded in approval, and the three headed towards the club they usually went. They waited in line, chatting happily, and when it was their turn, stepped into the club.

The club was as always, excited and high-spirited. They got to a table, sat down, put down their belongings, chatted a bit more, then Aidey, the most drunk of them all, stood up and went up to the stage. The other dragons gave her room, and she joined them happily.

'Are you ready!' yelled the DJ, while spinning the turntable. The dragons on the stage yelled and the music once again began. Aidey danced to the beat, swinging her head wildly and side taking steps when she felt like it. Looking at her drunk form, her friends laughed and took pictures of her wildly dancing, but she didn't care. Right now, there was only music and her. This was the time when she got rid of all the stress she got from her work. And damn, did she love music. Not only the electronic music that the DJ played right now, but also other kinds of music. Music was her love, her life.

Eventually her friends joined her, and they all danced to the beat, enjoying themselves. After dancing for a few hours, they got worn out and sitted themselves in front of the bar. 'What can I get you?' asked the bartender, looking at them.

'What do you suggest?' Aidey asked, smiling at him. He looked a bit cute. Not her style, but still, he looked cute.

'I suggest our newest drink, rainbow cocktail.' replied the bartender, shaking a drink.

'Then I guess I'll have that.' Aidey said, and looked over to her friends. 'What about you guys? Don't you guys want a drink?'

'Do you have any whisky?' asked Hasin, to which the bartender nodded. 'Good. I'll have some of that. Ilina said that she'll have the same drink as Aidey did, and the bartender smiled and told them to wait a second. While the three females waited, Aidey turned towards her friends.

'Wasn't he kind of cute?' she asked.

'Yeah. He was kind of.' Hasin said, nodding. Ilina nodded in approval as well.

'But he wasn't exactly my type.' Aidey said.

'Why so?' Ilina asked, leaning in.

'Looked way too young for me. By that,I mean... umm... less mature.' she replied. Then, their drinks came out. 'Here you go, ladies! Two rainbow cocktails and one glass of whisky.' the bartender said, giving out 3 glasses of alcohol. They thanked him, and sipped on their drinks. The cocktail was sweet and delicious. It felt refreshing to Aidey's dry throat. Her friends drank their drinks, tipped the bartender, and got up first. Aidey drank her drink slower than her friends, but also finished it, got up and tipped the bartender. The trio danced to the beat a bit more, and when they were tired, paid and walked out of the club.

'So, we went to the bar, and the club. What now?' asked Ilina, slurring a bit.

'I'm going to drink a bit more.' Aidey said. 'I have a strange craving for alcohol today. You guys in?'

The other two thought for a bit, then also agreed. So they went to a nearby store, and bought some more alcohol as well as some snacks. Then they went out to the park, and settled down on some tables and chairs in the corner. Aidey pulled out her phone, and played some music on it to match her mood. Then she opened a bottle of beer, drank some, opened a pack of snacks, and ate some. The other two did the same, and they all sat in the silence, simply listening to music and enjoying one another's company. Eventually, Aidey started to sway a bit from the alcohol she consumed, but continued to drink more. Today was the end of the week! So it was time to enjoy herself! And she intended to enjoy as much as she could.

After a few bottles of empty beer and empty snackbags, Aidey and her friends got up. They trashed the empty bottles and snack bags, and got up. Aidey wobbled a bit, drunk. She said her departures to her friends, who were also quite drunk as well, and started to fly towards her home. She swayed to the wind, drunk as hell. It was a mystery how she didn't lose her mind yet. Anyways, she flew and flew, to her home, but for some reason, she couldn't find her home.

'That's strange...' she thought. 'My home used to be here...' Aidey landed, and looked around. Suddenly, she didn't recognize where she was. All her surroundings looked strange and unfamiliar. She looked around for directions, for a sign, but there was none. Aidey started to get worried. Maybe she was even more drunk than she thought she was. She began to frantically look around. She took off into the sky, to see if she could see any place she recognized. There was none.

After quite some time of searching, which led her nowhere, Aidey landed, and she began to ask passing dragons if they knew where she was. But she smelled of alcohol, and that made all the passing dragons ignore her.

Until one finally talked to her.

'You're drunk, aren't you?' he asked, looking at Aidey. Aidey didn't reply, but instead looked at the ground. The dragon sighed, and looked at her. 'Where do you live? I'll take you to there.'

Aidey looked up in surprise. She didn't this much care from a passing by dragon. She expressed her gratitude, and told him where she lived without a second thought. The stranger took her to her home, and she thanked him again, opened the door, and finally entered her home.

Finally, she was home. 'Never, never drink until you don't know where you're at.' she thought as she just crashed into her bed and slept straight away.

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