Chapter 16

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The hatchlings grew fast. In a few days, they doubled their size. In a few months after that, they doubled their size again. Of course, dragons grew fast, but it was still something to the parents. They tried to take good care of their hatchlings. Of course, both being parents for the first time, they had to ask for help from their parents on multiple occasions. Their parents provided much help, going so far as to visit them on multiple occasions. Now that they were months old, the pair was trying to teach their hatchlings to speak. Without much success, though. 'Say daddy.' Dehious cooed to Green. He's been trying for days now. Almost for a week. Aidey looked at Tasin and Edward and Lee who were wrestling together. Tasin and Edward and Lee who were basically a jumble of scales and playful growls. She looked at Green again. He was whining and was backing slowly away from his father. Apparently he didn't want to learn. 'Let him go, Dehious.' She said to her mate. 'They'll learn when the time comes.' Looking disappointed, her mate obliged, and let his sight wander away from Green. Green almost squeaked in delight, and ran over to his siblings, and joined in. They squealed and laughed, enjoying themselves. Dehious sighed, and Aidey walked over to him and wrapped a wing over him. 'They'll learn when the time comes.' She said, smiling. 'For now, I think it's best just to let them play. They have their hatchling hood, you know.' 'Yeah... I guess you're right.' Dehious said sadly. 'I guess I'll just have to wait.' 'Don't be so down!' Aidey said to her mate. 'We can still have fun, you know.' 'Yeah?' 'Let's join them!' She said, and without waiting for his reply, she walked over to their hatchlings, and joined them. Dehious joined soon as well, and soon there was a pile of red, black, green, bronze and blue scales. This time, it was the parents who were exhausted first. The hatchlings were just full of energy. They whined disappointedly when Aidey finally stood up after about an hour of playing with her hatchlings and rested herself against the sofa. 'Our' pant 'hatchlings are' pant 'just full of energy' pant Aidey said. 'Tired already?' Dehious taunted looking at Aidey, but then Green immediately pounced on his snout with a playful growl. 'Oh, you're going to pay for that!' Dehious said, shaking him off and playfully growling at him. He started to run around the living room chasing Green, who yelped and started to run away. Aidey pulled out her phone and took a video of them chasing each other. Of course, a video couldn't depict all the happy emotions they were feeling. But at least it could save a little bit of those feelings and bring back memories when they watched it in the future. That was the whole point. About an hour of playing with his hatchlings, Dehious finally tired out as well. He sat beside Aidey, who was now playing with Tasin, who in question was batting at one of Aidey's paws. 'Guess you're exhausted as well?' Aidey joked, looking at her mate then picking up the female hatchling with her front paws. Tasin instinctively opened her wings and flapped, which brought out a small laugh from Aidey. 'She's trying to fly already.' She said, looking at her daughter. Dehious looked at their daughter, and chuckled. 'Seems like it, yes.' He said. Then he heard other hatchlings whining and looked at them. They were looking at Dehious and Aidey with hopeful eyes. 'Seems like others want the same treatment.' Aidey said, laughing. 'How cute.'

Over the next hour, the pair lifted their hatchlings in the air, one after another, until they all got tired of it. Well, except for one. Tasin was still looking at her parents with hopeful and excited eyes. Aidey noticed it, and tapped her mate's shoulder to get his attention. 'I'm tired.' She said. 'You want to play with her?' 'No... I'm tired as well. We've both been playing with the hatchlings for hours now, you know. They must get tired soon as well.' 'Yeah, you're right.' Aidey said, then she stood up and looked at the clock. It was almost 5. 'Well, time to prepare dinner.' She said, then turned and looked at her mate. 'Your turn, Dehious.' 'Ok... but can I get some more rest?' he asked, looking at her hopefully. 'Nope.' Aidey said, playfully. But then she turned a bit more serious. 'The hatchlings need their food, you know.' 'And their meal only takes about 30 minutes to make.' Dehious said, his eyes half-lidded, seeing right through Aidey's excuse. 'And our meal takes about another 30 minutes to make as well. And you only have 2 arms to work with.' Aidey replied, smirking. 'I can still make two meals at once, you know.' 'And what happened the last time you tried that? I think you spilled it all over your-' 'Ok, OK! I'm going now!' Dehious quickly said, trying to shut his mate up from his embarrassing mistake. Aidey laughed, and grumbling, Dehious headed for the kitchen. 'Hope the meal's delicious!' Aidey yelled after him. 'And don't spill it all over you again!'

About an hour later, dinner was ready. The hatchlings woke up from their nap to the smell of food, and rushed over to the table and started to eat. Aidey had unknowingly fallen asleep as well, so Dehious walked over to his mate and woke up with a gentle nudge against her forearm. 'Dinner's ready, Love.' He said, and Aidey nodded and yawned and followed him. They had their fill, and Aidey and Dehious just sat on their chair, taking a break. The hatchlings climbed down their chairs, and huddled around their parents' chair, hoping they were willing to play with them again. 'They just don't tire out, do they?' Dehious said, patting and stroking Edward's head. 'Nope.' Aidey said, helping Tasin and up. 'Say, what about we go for a walk? That'll at least get the hatchlings relieve their energy and help our stomach digest.' 'But I want to sleep...' 'Then you're going to get fat.' 'Are you calling me fat?' Aidey said, raising her eyebrows at her mate. 'I was just pointing out what could happen if you just sat around all day. Was that uncomfortable?' her mate said, trying to look innocent. Aidey huffed, and looked out the window. There was still a bit of light left out. 'Whatever. Let's go out.'

'Seriously, am I fat?' Aidey asked her mate when they were out in the park. He didn't answer. 'Am I fat?' Aidey asked him again, looking straight at him. 'No.' He said, after looking at her body. 'You're just saying that because you don't want to hurt my feelings.' Aidey said, looking unimpressed. 'Just be honest, will you?' 'No, you're not!' Dehious exclaimed. 'Then why didn't you answer when I first asked you?' Aidey said, accusingly and looking Dehious straight in the eye. He squirmed under her glare and shifted uncomfortably. 'Still nothing?' she said, holding his glare. Her mate didn't say anything, though he continued to shift uncomfortably under her glare. She held her glare for a few minutes before Dehious blurted out. 'What do you want me to do?' he said. 'If I call you fat, you're going to be angry! And even if I don't you're angry at me! And truth be told, yes, you gained weight, but that's understandable as you've been bearing eggs! It's natural! And anyways, I don't care about how you look! I didn't mate you for your looks!' he exclaimed at the end. 'Then what for?' she asked, a bit angrily, though that wasn't intentional. 'Look! Now you're angry at me! What do you want me to do? Do I have to tell you everything?' he said, getting angry as well. 'Can't I just make one joke? We do that all the time to each other! Why are you so touchy today?'

Aidey let out a sigh. 'I'm sorry.' She said. 'I guess I was just getting tired these days, with the hatchlings being so energetic. I don't want to fight.' Dehious let out a breath as well, though it wasn't a sigh. 'I can understand. But don't pour your anger out at me, please? And I'm sorry for making that bad joke as well.' 'Ok. I'm sorry again. And yes, that was a bad joke.' She said, smirking at the end. 'Hey!' Her mate said, smiling. She laughed, and snuggled against her mate. Her mate smiled, and snuggled into her as well.

'Sleep well, my angels.' Aidey said, looking at their sleeping hatchlings. Dehious looked at her, and she nodded. He shut off the lights, and she silently shut the door. Not all the way, though. She left a little bit of gap between the doorsill and the door so if any of them needed their parents, they knew. She and her mate crept into the kitchen and sat down. 'Want some coffee?' She asked her mate. He nodded. She quietly made some coffee, and passed one of the cups to Dehious. 'Tired, yeah?' her mate asked her. She nodded. 'Me as well.' He said, as he sipped his coffee. 'So, anything that you want to talk about?' Aidey asked her mate. They haven't had much time to talk after the hatchlings hatched. 'You don't mind if I talk about work?' he asked her. 'No, why would I? Please. We won't have much time if the hatchlings wake up again, anyways, you know.' 'Yeah. Ok. So there were some customers at the dealership a few days ago...'

They talked quietly to prevent the hatchlings from waking up, and when Dehious finally looked at the clock, it was over one in the morning. 'Damn. I'll be screwed tomorrow.' He said, and Aidey looked at the clock as well. 'We'll be best off going to bed.' She said, and took the mug from her mate's claws. 'I'll prepare the bed. Don't bother yourself with washing the mugs. They're only coffee mugs and probably won't attract any bugs or stuff.' Dehious said as he got up from his chair and walked towards the bedroom. Aidey just put some water into the mugs and put it in the sink, and headed towards the bedroom as well. Dehious was already curled up on the bed, and opened his wing in invitation when he saw Aidey walk in. She snuggled beside his side, and closed her eyes.

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