Chapter 2

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Aidey woke up with a headache. She looked outside the window, and saw the sun was already high up. She groaned, and sat up on the bed. 'What happened?' she thought, and was reminded of a piercing headache. Damn, she had drunk a lot yesturday. But how did she get home? The last thing she remembered was she and her friends going to the park and drinking. After that, everything was in a haze. She tried to think, but some kind of odor came up from somewhere. She sniffed around, and found out it was the smell of alcohol.

'Damn, I smell.' she thought. 'I'll need to get a bath.'

So she got into the shower, and bathed. After that, she felt hungry, so she grabbed some instant noodles from the cupboard and started to boil it. Then her phone rang. 'Hello?' she answered.

'Aidey? It's me, Hasin.' the dragon on the other end said. 'Just phoned to check if you're ok. Ilina says she's ok. But you drank a lot yesturday, you know.'

'Yeah. I got in ok. I can remember us drinking in the park, but midway there, my memories get hazy. What happened?' asked Aidey, opening the pot and seeing if the noodles were ready.

'Well, you pretty much drank all the alcohol we bought, then you went home. Or didn't you head home?' asked Hasin, concerned.

Hearing it, Aidey remembered what her friend was talking about. 'Well, now I remember that part. Yeah. I headed home. But now from there it's a haze.'

'Sorry I can't help after that.' Hasin said. 'So you're ok?'

'Yeah, I'm ok. Apart from the slight aftermath of drinking, that is.' Aidey replied.

'Good. Well, hope you get over your hangover soon. Bye!' Hasin said.

'Thanks. Bye.' Aidey replied, and ended the phone call. She looked at the screen of her phone and saw the battery was low, so she plugged her phone in to charge. Then she went into the kitchen again and checked to see if the noodles were ready. They were. Aidey turned the stove off, and put the pot down, and started to eat. The hot noodles felt like heaven to her after drinking so much last night. After finishing the pot of noodles, she put the pot in the sink and walked out of the kitchen. What happened after departing from her friends yesturday?

She decided that she would go for a flight to clear her mind. She walked to the door, opened it, and closed it behind her. Or she was about to. Just as she was about to close the door behind her, she saw something was stuck to her door.

An envelope.

Curiously, Aidey opened the envelope and pulled out the folded paper inside it. She opened it, and read what was inside it.


I'm the dragon who took you home. Hope you didn't go into any more trouble. I'm writing this to see if you're safe. Please call me if you've seen this letter.' and at the bottom was the dragon's number and name. Aidey read the letter a few times, digging her mind. When she finally remembered everything that happened the day before, she sighed at her dumbness. Then she pulled out her phone and dialed the number to thank him.

The phone rang a few times, then a dragon picked up. 'Hello?' he said.

'Is this Dehious?' Aidey asked carefully.

'Yes. Who is this?'

'I'm that dragoness you helped yesturday. I was calling about the letter you gave me?'

'Ah, yes. Yes I did stick that letter on your front door. So, you safe? Didn't get into any more troubles?'

Aidey blushed a bit at the word 'trouble', and said 'Yes. Thank you so much for yesturday. I don't know what I would've gotten into if it wasn't for you.'

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