Chapter 19

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'What is he up to now...' Aidey wondered. Her mate said that he had to meet his friend, whom he hadn't seen in a few years, and wasn't home yet. It was already over 11. 'Hope he's not gotten into any trouble...' she thought. 'Maybe I should call him. It's late enough.' She thought. Their hatchlings were already asleep, as it was late in the night. She picked up her phone and called her mate. After a few rings, he picked up the phone. 'Where are you?' she asked. 'I'm at the local pub. Finally met my friend. He was a bit late. Sorry for not being home so late.' Her mate said. 'I'll be home in an hour.' 'Ok. I know you're excited, but don't be too late.' Aidey answered. 'Ok.' her mate answered. But just before she could end the call, he added 'Hey, is it okay if my friend sleeps in our house tonight? He doesn't live here and has to go to a motel if he can't.' Aidey thought for a moment. If she agreed, it would be letting a stranger she'd never seen before. And she had not only her, but also her hatchlings to worry about.

But... at the same time, they were Dehious' hatchlings as well. If he could trust him, maybe she could as well..? 'Hello?' Dehious asked over the phone. 'Are you there?' 'Yeah. Do you think it's safe enough..?' She asked. 'I mean, it's not that I don't trust you, but I don't know him and...' she trailed off. 'It's going to be all right.' Her mate said. 'I mean, he's almost my life-long friend! Nothing's going to happen, I promise.' 'Well, if you say so...' she said. 'Does that mean that I have a permission?' her mate asked. 'Yes. But if anything happens, I'm blaming it on you.' She said, laughing to break the tension. 'Got it loud and clear, ma'am.' Her mate said, laughing as well.

Her mate and his friend came home in less than an hour, as to her mate's words. They were slightly drunk, but not really. What was noticeable, though, was that Dehious had a plastic bag with him, which contained a six-pack. And there was another dragon behind him, an eastern one, who was green with white mane. Typical look of an easterner, if you asked her. 'So, you must be my mate's friend! Nice to meet you! Ceaser, was it?' Aidey said, enthusiastically. 'It is. It's a pleasure to meet you too, Aidey. I've heard a lot about you from my friend.' Ceaser said, bowing his head. Aidey had no idea why Ceaser was bowing to her, but bowed to him as well, to be polite. 'So, Dehious. That a six-pack in that bag?' she asked her mate, who nodded eagerly. 'Figured I and my friend could drink some more. Wanna join?' he asked. 'Of course, but only six? Won't that be a bit... you know, too little for us three to drink?' she said, doubtfully.

'Ah, that's where you're wrong, my love.' Dehious said, pulling out a glass bottle full of liquid from the bag. 'What is that?' Aidey asked, and took a look at the bottle, which had writings on that she couldn't read. 'It's not English. What is it?' she asked, turning and looking at the pair of males behind her. 'It's Korean alcohol.' Ceaser said. 'It's called Soju. And an advise to you, don't drink it like it's beer.' He added. 'Why?' 'Ask you mate here.' Ceaser said, pointing over to his friend. 'Well, you know beers usually have 5 percent of alcohol? This one bottle of Soju has at least 16 percent. So not only you get drunk real fast, but also you might get a really bad hangover.' Dehious explained. 'Hey you left out 'That's what I experienced'.' Ceaser added, poking and snickering at Dehious. 'Really? That in front of my mate?' Dehious said, flatly. On the other hand, Aidey was laughing her ass off. 'Oh, is that real?' she asked. 'You should tell me more!' Then she added, 'Look who's the more alcoholic here!' looking at Dehious. 'At least I wasn't drunk when I met...' Dehious started, but as soon as he started that sentence, Aidey looked at him with dagger eyes, and he stopped immediately. 'O..kay..? Anyways, are we going to drink or not?' Ceaser asked, looking at his friend and his friend's mate.

So after clearing the table, the three began to drink. 'So, Ceaser.' Aidey began. 'You have a mate yet?' she asked. 'No, not yet.' He answered. Dehious snickered beside him. 'He's what we call 'Forever Alone'.' He said, wrapping a wing around him. 'Shut up. It's just that I haven't found a dragoness I love yet.' Ceaser said, shrugging off the wing around his back. Dehious laughed loudly, earning a glare from his friend. 'You're just lucky, you know.' Ceaser added. 'Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say.' Dehious said, but then added, 'It's true, actually. I'm lucky that I met Aidey. Couldn't imagine what I would've been without her.' 'Oohhh. Thank you! I love you too!' Aidey said. She leaned over the table to her mate and nuzzled him. Ceaser looked at them, and said '... I envy you.' The couple burst out laughing.

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