Chapter 18

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'You guys all set?' Dehious asked. 'Yes.' Said his mate, and the hatchlings, paying no mind, just continued to wrestle with each other. 'Ok! Let's go!' Dehious said enthusiastically, and turned to the hatchlings. 'Tasin? Lee? Edward? Green? Let's go!' he said, and broke up the ongoing wrestle. They whined, as usual when they got broken up, but obeyed their father and climbed up on top of their parents. The family soon got moving.

'So where are we going again? You haven't told me.' Aidey questioned. Dehious didn't tell her or anyone about that matter. He knew Aidey hadn't seen the ocean for a long time, and he wanted to surprise her. And the hatchlings didn't see the ocean since they were born. So this was probably going to be a great time. 'You'll see when we get there.' Dehious said, smirking. Aidey huffed. What was with all this secrecy?

They followed the wind, and about 4 hours later and a few short rests for the hatchlings, they were at their destination. Dehious laughed at his mate's reaction. 'The ocean was this close?' She exclaimed. 'I can't believe it! How did you know about this place?' 'I asked a co-worker at the dealership. Not many know about this place, except for a few who always comes here.' 'I should've known we were going to the beach when you started to pack snacks and the mat...' 'Yup.' 'Did we bring any water, though? I don't think I've seen you pack water.'


So the family went to the near store to buy some water. While Dehious was looking for the cheapest bottles of water he could find, Aidey continuously teased and poked him about him being clumsy. While his mate was continuing to tease him, he checked out of the store and the family headed once again to the beach. The couple let their bags down under a tree and walked over to the water. The hatchlings followed, but stopped and looked at the water uneasily. Obviously, they were afraid, seeing the ocean for the first time.

'Come on, Tasin and Edward! Let's play! Don't be afraid of the ocean!' Dehious yelled. The two looked at the ocean uneasily, but then a look of 'Fuck it' crossed Tasin's face, and she literally jumped into the water. With instinct, she swam towards her father. Edward soon followed after. Dehious looked at Lee and Green, and looking back and forth at their siblings and father, they followed as well.

Dehious and Aidey waited until their hatchlings were swimming well enough, and when they were, splashed at them. Tasin growled, while Edward and Green looked surprised, and Lee whined. The parents laughed at them. But the laughter was short-lived as Tasin swam over to them and splashed water at their faces. Now it was the parents' turn to look stunned while Tasin squeak-laughed. 'Oh, it's on!' Dehious growled playfully, while Aidey smirked deviously beside him.

And so the 'get each other as wet as possible' contest started. The Tasin, Edward, Lee, and Green teamed up, and the parents teamed up with each other. The two teams poured as much water as they can to the other, and soon both were soaked in the salty water. The parents stopped when they saw their hatchlings starting to tire out. 'Come on, kids.' Aidey said, and started to wade out of the water. Dehious followed behind the kids, making sure that none of them were getting too exhausted or getting out of the line. Surprisingly, none of the hatchlings whined this time. Apparently they really did get exhausted.

Once they were out of the water, Aidey rummaged through the snacks Dehious brought while the family shook off the water, and pulled out some beef jerkies. At the sight of the jerkies, before Aidey had any time to react, they jumped up and snatched the jerkies in her paws. Aidey got surprised at the sudden action, and Dehious, seeing her reaction, laughed out loud. To which Aidey shot a death glare, of course. Dehious stopped laughing as soon as he met her eyes, gulped, and quickly rummaged through the bag and pulled out the bottles of water. He opened one in front of the hatchlings, and passed one to his mate while he himself opened one. He gulped down the water. He was thirsty from all the action, after all.

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