Chapter 7

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It had been a few months since Aidey had met Dehious now. The two got along well, occasionally throwing jokes at each other or playing pranks on each other. Dehious didn't test Aidey again, and Aidey forgave him entirely for what he's done. The two got along well with each other, and the love between the two only got deeper. They met and chatted frequently with each other, and now they couldn't live without each other. Today was the 6th month anniversary since they met, and Aidey was deciding where they would go have dinner. She was going to surprise Dehious. She was quite certain that Dehious had forgotten about the anniversary, and was going to surprise him by taking him to dinner.

After searching for a while and deciding on a famous steak house, Aidey started to get ready to meet Dehious. She cleaned her scales, sharpened her claws, and wiped her wings. The basic tasks of making sure she was presentable. Then her phone rang. 'Mom' said the phone's display. Aidey quickly picked up her phone. It had been some time since she had spoken with her parents, and she was eager to speak with them. 'Hey, mom.' she said, happily. 'How have you guys been?'

'Good, sweetie. How have you been?' Her mom, Lidia answered.

'I've been good, mom. So, anything new?' she asked.

'No, nothing new. But I called you to ask if you could go out for dinner.' Lidia said, surprising Aidey.

'Umm... I have an appointment today.' she said unsurely. 'I don't know if I can go. It's a fairly important one.'

'Oh?' her mother said, questioningly. 'May I ask what the appointment is?'

'Umm...' Aidey quickly thought. Should she tell her? She was her mom. She deserved to know..? But it was her personal life. Maybe she should keep it a secret..? After a lot of thought, she landed on one conclusion. Her mother was going to find out sooner or later. Better let her know through her, rather than from some other source. 'I'm dating, mom.' she said, and heard a silence from the other end. 'Mom?' she asked, uncertainly. 'Are you there?'

'Are you serious?' her mom asked in a serious tone, and Aidey cringed a bit, and started to worry. What if her parents didn't approve of her dating with Dehious? What if they didn't like it? Did she make a mistake? 'Yes, I'm serious.' Aidey said, still uncertainly. She really hoped that her mother wasn't upset. But what she heard next wasn't something that she expected.

'Congratulations, Aidey!' her mother said, happily. Aidey got a bit surprised from the reaction, as it wasn't what she had expected at all. 'I mean, your brothers are all mated already! I was wondering when you'll finally get a mate!' Aidey felt heat rushing to her face, but at the same time, felt kind of relieved. So her mother wasn't upset after all. 'Mom.' she whined. 'We aren't at that stage yet. No need to get ahead.'

Her mother laughed, and continued. 'So why don't you bring your date to dinner? I would like to meet him, and I'm sure your father would like to as well.'

Aidey thought for a minute, and replied. 'I'll ask him. It's not up to me.'

'Ok, sweetie. Tell me if he can come.' Her mother said.

'Wait!' Aidey said quickly before her mother could end the call. 'Where are we going to have dinner if we go?'

'Oh, yeah. Well, do you have anywhere in mind?'

'I was thinking of this famous steak house. It's located near us, and the food there isn't too overpriced as well. What about there?'

'Sounds nice. Ok. So if we go together, we're going there. Tell me what your date says! And pass him the word that we would be very happy to see him!'

'Ok, bye! I'll tell you later!' Aidey said, and ended the call. Then she dialed Dehious's number, and waited until he picked up.

'Hey, Aidey.' Dehious said. 'What's up?'

'I just got a call from my parents. They want to invite you to a dinner. You up?' Aidey asked, hopefully.

'Umm...' Dehious said uncertainly. 'I can't really decline, can I?'

'I guess not... Sorry, Dehious.' Aidey said, apologizing.

'No, don't be.' Dehious said, kind of surprising Aidey. 'I would've probably had to meet them sometime anyways. Better to get it over quick.'

'Well, if you say so... Can we meet in an hour?' Aidey asked.

'Yeah. But why so quick?' said Dehious.

'I'm seeing my parents in a long time. I want to buy some presents for them. And, I want 'you' to help me.' Aidey said.

'But how am I supposed to help you?' Dehious exclaimed. 'I don't know your parents! I don't know what they'll like! And I don't want to make a bad impression on them!'

'And that,' Aidey said, 'is exactly why I want you to help me out. I'll help you by telling you their usual choices and stuff, and you'll make the final choices. That doesn't sound too bad, does it?'

'I hate you...' Dehious grumbled.

'And I love you too!' Aidey said, laughing. 'Anyways, meet me at the mall in 30 minutes?'

'Got it.' Dehious said, and ended the call. Aidey texted her mother that Dehious was coming, and finished the last steps of making herself presentable. Then she picked up her bag and put her phone and wallet into it, and set out to meet Dehious.

By the time Aidey reached the mall, Dehious was already there, waiting for her. Aidey waved, and Dehious waved back. She landed, walked towards her boyfriend, and hugged him. Dehious hugged her back, and they soon parted. 'Shall we go in?' She asked, looking at her lover.

'There's no evading this, is it?' Dehious asked, in a defeated tone.

'Nope.' Aidey said smiling.

'Then let's just get it over with. The faster we finish, the faster it'll be over.'


A few hours later, Dehious and Aidey walked out the mall. Aidey looked at her phone, saw what time it was, and tapped at Dehious and showed him the time. 'We gotta go now.' Aidey said, and Dehious nodded. The two took off, with Aidey leading Dehious towards the steak house.

After a bit of flying, the two landed in front of the steak house and headed inside. The place was busy and crowded as expected, and the two waited in line to get in. After a bit of waiting and chatting with each other, they were at the front of the line. 'Ma'am, are you two it or are there more?' asked the waiter politely. 'We've got two more coming.' Aidey replied, looking away from Dehious. 'Ok, Ma'am. I'll help you to your table.' said the waiter, and led the way. Aidey and Dehious followed, and sat down where the waiter motioned them. The two chatted some more while they waited for Aidey's parents to arrive. Aidey noticed Dehious getting nervous as the time went, and decided to relax him a bit.

'Hey, Dehious.' Aidey said, cutting off Dehious. 'I see you're nervous.' Aidey said.

Dehious looked at her directly, but didn't respond immediately. Then he sighed, and responded. 'Of course I'm nervous!' he said. 'I am going to meet your parents on short notice, and I don't even know if I'm ready!' Dehious exclaimed.

'Don't worry.' Aidey said, laying a paw on Dehious's shoulder. 'They aren't that harsh, and I'm pretty sure they'll forgive you for your mistakes. If you make any, that is. I believe you're going to do well.' Aidey quickly added.

'Well, thanks.' Dehious said, and looked at the entrance nervously, waiting for Aidey's parents arrival. A few moments later, the waiter came to their table with two dragons trailed behind. Aidey's eyes widened and her face showed happiness as she saw the two dragons. She got up from her seat, and walked towards the two dragons. The two saw Aidey as well, and walked forwards and hugged her. Aidey hugged back. Then they turned towards Dehious, who was now standing behind Aidey, looking nervous. 'So, you must be Dehious.' the blue, male of the two said. 'Hello. I'm Paisy.'

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