Chapter 6

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Aidey shrank into her seat a bit, and hoped nothing bad would happen. The male kept walking towards their table, and when he caught Aidey looking at him fearfully, eyed her throughly. Aidey shuddered, and sank even deeper into her seat. She looked at Dehious, but for some reason, he didn't seem to be fazed by the bigger male, and was looking at him directly. The big male finally arrived at their table and stopped in front of them. He looked at Dehious and opened his mouth.

'It's been quite some time since I last saw you, Dehious!' he said in a friendly way, surprising Aidey. 'This your new lady friend? She seems frightened.'

Dehious turned looked at her, and saw Aidey sunk deep into her seat, looking frightened. He covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing, but failed. The bigger bronze male who approached them laughed as well, angering her a bit. 'So you're his friend, huh?' Aidey said, in an angry matter. 'Very nice of you, Dehious. I was actually afraid, if you didn't notice, asshole.' Aidey said hotly. Dehious stopped laughing, and looked at Aidey. 'I'm sorry, Aidey.' he said. Then he started laughing again. 'But your face was so funny!'

Aidey glared at her boyfriend, who was in an uncontrolled laughter, and looked at the new guy who was also laughing. The whole bar was noisy once again, as dragons have gone back to their own businesses. The new dragon was bronze, and had a bigger and bulkier build than Dehious. But there were signs of muscles here and there, and Aidey knew that this dragon was not to be messed with. Finally, after a good five minutes, the two stopped laughing and the larger dragon looked at Aidey. 'My Apologies.' he said, and held out a talon. 'I'm Sidney, one of Dehious's friends. Sorry for scaring you.'

'Aidey. And thank you for apologizing. You really did scare me.' Aidey said, taking his talons and shaking it in a friendly fashion.

'Again, I'm sorry.' the big dragon called Sidney said. 'I'm the owner of this bar. As this is the first time you came here and I did scare you, I'll give you a drink for free. What do you want?'

'Oh.' Aidey said, surprised. She didn't expect this much kindness from this dragon. 'Guess I'll have to stop judging dragon by their looks...' she thought, and said 'I'll have beer, thank you.'

The dragon called Sidney turned to Dehious. 'What about you? Beer as well?'

'I can't get a free drink too, can't I?' Dehious asked hopefully, earning a 'seriously?' look from Sidney. Aidey saw the look Sidney cast to Dehious, and laughed softly. The other two saw her laughing, and Sidney turned to Dehious again. 'Ok. But just today. Just because you brought a lady friend.'

'Oh thanks! I'll give you a discount when you buy a car, I promise!' Dehious said happily.

'You ought to buy me a car with all the free drinks you drank...' Sidney grumbled, and looked over to the counter, where a bartender was standing. 'Yo, Umber!' he shouted. 'Two beer over here! And don't record it! It's my gift to these pair!'

The white dragon nodded, and walked over to the beer machine and began to prepare to glasses of beer. Aidey turned back to Dehious and Sidney, who were looking at the bartender and waiting for the drinks to arrive. 'So, I guess you're a frequent visitor here?' she asked to Dehious. Sidney and Dehious turned around to her voice, and Dehious started to speak, but Sidney got him and talked to her first.

'He's not just a frequent visitor. He comes here as if he owns this place!' Sidney exclaimed, glaring at Dehious.

'Well, you make good beer, that's why! Besides, I'm not causing any harm to your bar, am I?' Dehious said, laughing slightly, trying to shake off the awkwardness of getting exposed of his drinking habits.

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