Chapter 9

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The two were now in front of Aidey's house. The two had gone for a stroll in the park, and had a good time. They each had some ice cream, and talked to each other in a light mood. They were basically in a good mood. They didn't want to stay away from each other, but it was getting late. Though it was Friday, they still needed to rest. 'So... bye?' said Dehious, unwillingly.

'We have to depart, right? Just great...' Aidey said, not wanting to separate with Dehious either.

'Yeah... Sucks...' said Dehious, unhappily. Then Aidey got an idea. 'Hey.' she said, to which Dehious looked at her again. 'Why don't you stay at my home today? Tomorrow's Saturday anyways. You don't have work, right?'

'Can I?' asked Dehious, hopefully.

'Yeah! I mean, we've just met my parents, and you know, they accepted you. Besides, today's the 6th month since we've known each other. We can trust each other, can't we?' Aidey said happily. Dehious thought for a second, said 'If you would allow me in your house, I would gladly accept it.'

Aidey lightly squealed in happiness, and touched-slapped Dehious's wing with her own. 'What are you waiting for? Let's go!' She said, went to her door, and unlocked it, opened it for Dehious. 'Wash your paws before you enter.' she said. 'I'd like my carpet to stay clean, and it's better for your health as well.'

'Got it.' Dehious said, and dunked his paws into the water between the carpet and the marble, which was the doorway. Aidey followed him, making sure to lock the door, and washing her feet as well. Dehious continued forwards, and saw the living room. It looked like a mess, but if you looked closely it was kind of an organized mess. 'Please, take a seat. I'll clean up this mess. I'm not the tidiest dragon in the world, as you just saw.' Aidey said, from behind him. So he took a seat on the sofa, while Aidey took a pile of papers from the table in front of the sofa. A few more things followed the pile of papers, and the room looked much cleaner afterwards. Then Aidey sat down beside him. 'So, what'ya wanna do? We've got the whole night to ourselves.'

'Well, this is your house. So you get up with an idea. What do you want to do?' Dehious asked back.

'Then... wanna watch a movie or a drama? I haven't seem them in forever.' Aidey replied, and Dehious nodded. It had been some time since he had seen any movie or drama, let alone with Aidey. So Aidey picked up the remote, and turned the TV on, and brought over her laptop, turned it on, and connected it to the TV. Dehious went to her side, and they together scrolled through Netflix, looking for something to watch. They finally decided on Breaking Bad, as it was something that both of them hadn't seen and were both interested. They laid back on the sofa, and watched TV.

Midway through Season 1 Episode 3, Dehious felt something lean against his shoulder. He looked, and saw Aidey nodding. 'Hey.' he said, waking Aidey up. 'Maybe we should go to bed.' he said, lightly nudging Aidey. Aidey shook herself, and nodded. 'Yeah.' she said. 'We should. I didn't know I was this tired...' she said, grinning sheepishly at Dehious. Dehious smiled at Aidey, and nudged Aidey lovingly, and picked up the remote, turned the TV off. Then he stopped Netflix on Aidey's laptop, and looked at Aidey. 'So, where do I sleep?' he asked.

Aidey looked at Dehious. She stared at him for a second, tiredly but at the same time lovingly, then turned her head. away 'Follow me.' she said. 'I'll lead you to the spare room.'

Aidey led Dehious to the hallway, then to a spare room across her room. She opened the door and turned the lights on. The room was tidy, unlike other rooms, as it was not often used by Aidey and was usually used as a guest room. She pointed a claw at the bed in the middle of the room. 'So, there's your bed.' she said. 'And the rest like the dresser and such... They're usually for guests, so feel free to use them.' she said, and turned towards him. 'The bathroom's at the end of the hallway. Let me know when you're going to sleep.'

Dehious nodded, and looked around the room. There was a dresser, a desk, a bed, and a window that showed Aidey's lawn, and that was basically it. The room was in a comfortable yellow shade, and the floor was carpeted in a grey material. After lowering the cross bag he was wearing for the day, he decided to wash and went to the bathroom.

The bathroom was surprisingly clean as well. Almost everything was in order, and even if it wasn't the cleanest he could imagine, considering that she hadn't been expecting a visitor, it was clean. After washing himself, Dehious stepped out of the bathroom and headed towards Aidey's room. When he opened the door, Aidey was already ready for bed, and was checking her phone for any more notifications. She noticed the door opening, and looked at Dehious. 'Oh, hey.' she said. 'You going to bed?'

'Yup.' he said. 'You better go to bed as well. You looked tired.'

'I was going to. Well, good night!' she said.

'Good night to you as well.' Dehious said, smiling a little bit, and closed the door behind him and went to his room. He curled up on his bed and pulled the covers on him. Then he went to sleep as well.


Sunlight shown through the window and shown at Aidey's bed. Aidey slowly opened her eyes. She slowly got up, and looked at the clock. It was near noon. 'Damn.' she thought. 'I slept a hell lot...' Aidey got up from her bed, and walked over to the kitchen for a glass of water. She grabbed a cup and poured water in it. She was drinking the glass of water when Dehious emerged from his room, looking tired. He saw Aidey already up, and waved a paw. 'Hey.' he said. 'Did you just get up as well?' he asked.

'Yeah.' Aidey said, and grabbed another glass and poured some water in it. 'Here. Have some water.'

'Thanks,' Dehious said, grabbing the glass that was held out to him and gulping it down. Aidey watched him drinking water, and Dehious noticed it. As soon as Aidey noticed that Dehious had noticed her watching him, she looked away, pretending that she hadn't been watching him. Dehious lowered his glass after drinking it all, and playfully nudged Aidey. Aidey looked at him, and Dehious made a I-know-what-you-did smile. Aidey, embarrassed, looked away again, and Dehious, laughing, went to the bathroom to wash up.

After hearing the bathroom door close, Aidey out of the kitchen and went to wash up as well. Her mind, however, wasn't focused on washing herself. Instead, it was a jumble of love, embarrassment, and happiness. She knew it was wrong to stare at someone, but somehow, she didn't feel the wrongness when she was staring at Dehious. Instead, she felt happiness and love. Maybe this was normal. Or maybe this was abnormal. Whatever the case. Aidey couldn't care less. She loved Dehious, and nothing could change that.

Aidey finally fully washed and walked out of the bathroom. Dehious had already finished washing, and was waiting for her. She smiled at him, and he smiled at her back. Aidey urged Dehious to the kitchen with her wing, and he followed her. The two prepared Brunch, well... more likely Aidey prepared while Dehious tried to help, and ate together. Finally the two finished eating, and walked over to the living room and sat down.

'What now?' asked Aidey, looking at Dehious.

'Wanna stretch your wings?' asked Dehious, also looking at Aidey.


After that day, the two were almost inseperatable. After going to Dehious's house, Aidey thought it was dangerous and constantly invited Dehious to her house using her opinion of Dehious's neighborhood as an excuse. Of course, Dehious wasn't against the idea of being with Aidey, so he accepted almost every invitation. Now he rarely went to his own house. After work, whoever finished first would go to the other's workplace and wait for the other to finish, then would together head to Aidey's house in Dehious's Camaro or would fly there. The practice turned into days, then weeks, then months, and it was as if they were living together. Finally, after months of living together, Dehious decided. The two got together well, and he wanted to spend the rest of his time with Aidey. He wanted to claim Aidey as his, and wanted Aidey to claim him as hers. So he started to set up an event.

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