Chapter 3

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Aidey was getting ready. Today was the day she had promised with Dehious to meet up. She had cleaned her scales until they shone, made sure her claws were sharp, and kept her teeth white. Basically making sure she was presentable and looked nice.

When she was finally ready, Aidey walked out of her house, made sure she locked the door, and took off into the sky. After flying for about 10 minutes, Aidey landed, and waited for Dehious to come. He came soon after, and the two greeted each other, and took off into the skys again.

'So, where do you want to go?' asked Dehious, polite as ever.

Aidey thought for a bit, then replied. 'Why don't we go to the park? We can walk around.' Dehious nodded, and they flew together towards the park. While they were flying, Aidey looked at Dehious, who was flying beside her. She quite liked him, actually. He had good manners, felt mature, and looked good. She didn't like one thing, though. He didn't seem to smile a lot. He looked like the type of dragon who was always serious. 'If only he smiled a bit more...' she thought.

The two landed in front of the park enterance. They walked in silence, just enjoying each other's company. But eventually the silence got too much, and Aidey tried to start a conversation. 'So, how was your day?' she asked, looking at him.

'Not bad.' he replied, turning his head and looking at Aidey. Then he looked forward again. 'It's just like usual. A few assy customers, who won't even buy a car, and just some normal customers who came to check out some cars. Didn't sell any, though.'

'Oh... too bad...' Aidey said.

'Don't be. It's just a normal day for me. What about you? Had a nice day?' Dehious said, looking at her.

Aidey looked at Dehious. 'Wasn't bad.' she said. 'My boss still lets out all her stress on me, but it's bearable. Except for that, Nothing's really that bad.'

'I feel sorry for you. You get through that a lot?' asked Dehious, now passing a chair.

'I think you're going through more than me. Hey, let's sit here.' Aidey said, sitting down on the chair Dehious almost passed. Dehious stopped, turned around, and sat down as well.

Aidey looked at Dehious. Something kept intriging her to him. Noticing Aidey looking at him, Dehious looked at her as well. Truth be told, he quite liked Aidey as well. She seemed like a fun dragon to be around, and she met up well with his normal serious mood. The first time they met, she was drunk, and Dehious didn't like that so much. But now that she had her mind, she looked like a decent dragon. She wasn't a drunk, and had a life. Plus, she kept trying to make conversation with him to get close to him.

And truth be told, he didn't dislike it. Not at all.

It was surprisingly comfortable and easy to make conversations with Aidey. It was as if she was a friend he knew from a while ago. And, she didn't look half bad, either. It was clear that she had cared about her looks today, as she had shiny scales and sharp claws, but beneath that, he could see the natural beauty. Looks weren't everything, but if she kept on like this, he knew he would eventually like her. Or did he already like her?

Shaking his head from the thoughts, he decided to start a conversation. He had to try as well, didn't he?

'So... do you live alone?' he asked, carefully. 'Or do you have any family members living with you?'

Dehious mentally hit himself for not getting a better topic to talk on. Aidey looked at him, surprised. Then she looked forwards. 'I live alone. Why so suddenely?' she asked, not looking at him.

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