Chapter 20

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'God... My head...' Dehious moaned. When he got up in the morning, or tried to, the world was all hazy to him. His hearing had decreased, but somehow he was able to feel his pounding head more than ever. And somehow Ceaser was already up, without any kind of hangover whatsoever. 'You're hungover hahaha!!!!' Ceaser laughed, as they sat at the table, Dehious having a glass of ice-cold water and him having a cup of coffee. 'And I hope you get a lesson out of this, Dehious.' Aidey scowled, which didn't improve her mate's mood whatsoever. 'Great... I'm up for a long talk with you after this passes, am I right..?' Dehious said cautiously. 'You'd better hope for it to be short.' Aidey retorted. 'You woke up the hatchlings, got drunk in front of them, and were an asshole in the bed.' She said. Dehious looked at her with wide eyes, which to Ceaser laughed, getting what Dehious thought faster, and Aidey facepalmed a second later. 'No, idiot! We didn't last night! What I meant by that, is that you were snoring badly, and if that got any louder, I'm pretty sure the roof would've fallen on us!' she said annoyingly. 'Oh.' Dehious said, to which Ceaser laughed harder. 'Males...' Aidey mumbled, to which Ceaser punched his friend in the shoulder and laugh even harder. 'Told you you couldn't manage it!' Ceaser said inbetween laughs.

After a few gallons of water, Dehious began to feel better. And by the time, Ceaser was packing up. 'I'll have to leave now. Better start on my way if I want to get home before it becomes the next day.' He said, when Dehious looked at him with hope. 'Also, I believe you're up for a talk with your mate..? I don't think it'll be a pleasant one, given that you were quite drunk yesterday. Another reason I think I'd better get going again.' Dehious gulped at that, and Ceaser laughed again. 'See why I don't have a mate yet? I'm still young, and I don't want to deal with a lecture everytime I get drunk. Another perk of not having a mate.' ''re just trying to irritate me again.' Dehious said. 'Maybe..?' Ceaser answered, with a laugh.

Ceaser finished up packing soon, said his farewells to Aidey and the hatchlings (who were of course in a pile wrestling by themselves). Dehious accompanied him to the door, and said his goodbyes to his old friend, and when he was on his way again, he closed the door.

'So, he's on his way home? You don't want to accompany him a bit further?' Aidey asked, having a cup of coffee herself. 'I guess we'll just talk over the phone or message one another some time soon, so yes. Was I really that drunk last night..?' He asked cautiously. Hopefully she won't be so angry if he just acted right. 'And you're asking ME about that? You had your hangover! Doesn't that already answer your question?' she exclaimed. 'Sorry...' Dehious said sheepishly. 'I guess I was drunk then...' 'And I'm currently debating on not having any alcohol in the house, so you'd better hope it won't come to what you won't like.' Aidey retorted, still angry. 'But you love alcohol as well! That doesn't make any sense, you know. Plus, I haven't met Ceaser in a few years now! Can't I get drunk with my friend in these conditions?' Dehious said, trying to convince his mate. '...True. But that doesn't mean that you're off the hook. You still got drunk in front of the hatchlings. And I don't think it'll have a good influence on them.' Aidey answered. 'I'll take care not to drink in front of them. So... are we good then?' Dehious asked hopefully. 'If you promise.' Aidey said seriously. 'And you'd better not break that promise.' '...ok. I promise not to get drunk in front of our hatchlings.' Dehious said solemnly.

'Can I count on that?' 'Yes.' 'Good. So, want some food? It'll probably help with your headache, but if you want to get some more rest and sleep the alcohol off, you can do that as well.' His mate offered. 'I guess I'll get some more rest. Can you just put the food in the fridge? I'll heat it up and help myself later on.' 'Why? So you won't bother me later? Nah. I'll just make you food later. Just tell me. Not knowing if my mate ate or not will bother me more.' 'Well, in that case, thanks.' '...Just don't get drunk like that again any time soon.'

While Dehious went back to bed to sleep off his hangover, Aidey turned to the four


I'm terribly sorry. I can't end this.

My files are either corrupted or overwritten, and by files, I mean the storyline, ideas, and character files.

I can continue on this, but I fear it'll be a mess if I really do it.

Again, I'm terribly sorry.

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