Chapter 4

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Aidey looked up from her computer and looked at her phone. It was a message from Dehious. After since they exchanged numbers, they contacted frequently. 'Sup?' the message said. Aidey smiled, and typed on her phone. 'Nothing new. Why?'

The reply came shortly after she sent her message. 'I've got a day off this friday. Wanna go somewhere?'


'Wanna go to the beach?'


It was now friday. Aidey was working. Her boss had given her a stack of files to organize and sort through. She was listening to music through her earbuds while working. She loved music, and music helped her focus on her work. Now she was almost done.

'Let's see...' she murmured as she looked at one of the last of the papers she had to sort. 'So... this goes here... that goes in there...' she continued murmuring as she typed on her computer, organizing all the files. Only a few sheets of paper needed sorting now, and she was trying as fast as she could to get through all the files. Today was the day she had agreed to meet up with Dehious and go to the beach. It had been a few weeks since she had met her friends because she always met up with Dehious each week, but she didn't regret it. She quite liked Dehious, more than she had initially did. And it was worth spending her time with him. Dehious didn't say that he liked her straight back, but now she was quite certain that he liked her back as well. Else why would her text her and ask her to go out?

Aidey hummed along to the song she was listening to, and looked at the last piece of paper she had to work on. It was quite a simple one to organize. A few moments later, she was done. 'Phew! Finally!' she said, shutdown her computer, said her goodbyes to her boss, and checked out. At that moment, her phone dinged, indicating that a message had arrived. Aidey pulled out her phone, and looked at it. It was Dehious again. 'Where you at? I'm waiting outside your workplace.' the message read. She smiled, and replied 'Going out right now. Just a sec!', and hurried outside.

Dehious was leaning against what was assumed to be his car, and when he saw her, waved at her. Aidey waved as well, and hurried over to him. He opened the car door for her. She thanked him, and climed into the passenger seat. Dehious walked around the car, and climbed into the driver's seat, and started the car. Then he drove the car away from the curb, and merged into the road.

'Nice car.' Aidey said, looking around the interior of the car. His car was a Chevy Camaro, and by the sounds of it, she guessed it was a V8.

'Thanks.' Dehious replied, looking at the road. 'She's my baby.'

'So.' Aidey started. 'I guess we're not going to fly much today, huh?'

'Guess not.' Dehious replied.

'Why did you bring your car today?' Aidey asked. 'The beach isn't far away, you know.'

'Umm... Just wanted to. Besides, I wanted you to have a ride in it. Oh, by the way, do you have a car?' he asked, looking at her for just a second.

'No. Never had a reason to get one. But I still have a driver's license.' she said. 'Why?'

'Wanna drive?' Dehious said, looking at her again.

'You're gonna let me? You said this car was your baby.' Aidey said, astonished, as it was something that she didn't expect.

'I always let my friends drive as long as they're careful.' Dehious said, now looking at the road again. 'So, you up for it?'

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