Chapter 14

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'Try not to be so stiff! Relax, Dehious!' Aidey said. The two were flying towards Aidey's parents' house, and Dehious couldn't help but feel nervous. Although he used the bold approach before, he doubted that it would work again. Now how would he face Aidey's father?

'We're here.' Dehious said, still a bit stiffly. The two landed on Aidey's Parents' yard, and looked at each other. Dehious looking a bit worried, and Aidey looking concerned about her lover. Aidey then approached Dehious and nuzzled him under his chin. 'It's going to go well, Dehious.' She said. 'So please don't be so stiff and nervous?'

'I'll try...' Dehious said, still a bit stiff. Aidey just sighed, and walked up to the front door, and rang the bell. The door soon opened, revealing Aidey's mother. 'Oh, hey, baby! I heard you came yesterday! Sorry that I wasn't there.' She said, embracing her daughter with her wing. Then she looked at Dehious behind her, and smiled. 'Ah, you must be Dehious.' She said. 'Nice to meet you. I'm Lidia, Aidey's mother. Come in, come in!' She said enthusiastically, gesturing to both her daughter and Dehious. Dehious let out a breath that even he didn't know was holding. Maybe today was going to different. Maybe his lover's mother was going to accept him.

Dehious and Aidey walked into the house, into the living room again. 'Sit, sit!' Aidey's mother said, gesturing towards the chair in front of them. The couple sat, and Lidia went to the kitchen, which was right next to the living room, and got some snacks for them. 'Aidey's here!' She yelled towards one of the door, presumably her and her husband's room, and there was some noise, then Paisy came out. Dehious held his breath again, as Aidey's father came out and met his eyes. The father glared at him for a second, then sat down in front of him. He looked at Dehious again, to which Dehious gulped, and looked then looked at Aidey.

After a bit of pause, he said 'Are you sure you like him?'. Aidey looked lost for a second, then said 'Of course.'

Paisy sighed, and looked at Dehious again. This time his eyes were a bit softer. Then he looked at his daughter again. 'What I mean is, are you ready to spend the rest of your time with him? From what I know, you've known him for a short time.' Aidey thought for a second, which made Dehious a bit nervous, but soon said 'I am.'

'Are you sure?' Paisy asked his daughter, looking at her straight in the eyes. 'You know you're a hot-head. You sure you'll not regret it as the time passes?'

'Yes.' Aidey said, this time right away. Her father sighed, and looked away. Lidia was sitting beside her husband, listening closely to the conversation. She looked at her daughter, and opened her mouth. 'You know your father's right, Aidey. Why don't you think a bit more then answer your father's question? That wasn't a question that was meant to answer straight away.'

Aidey sighed as well, and looked out the window. Dehious knew she was thinking, but it still hurt a bit. He thought she loved him with all her heart. So why not answer straight away? Finally, after a long silence, his lover looked at him. 'I'm sorry, Dehious.' She said, which made his heart sink. 'But my parents are right. I need time to think about this. I feel like I've rushed things a bit. Give me some time?' she asked, which made him feel a little better, but not well. But he knew better than to push her at times like this. 'Ok.' He said. 'Contact me when you're done thinking.' He said. Then he looked at his lover's parents. 'I guess we're done for today, right? Anyhow, it's been a pleasure meeting both of you.' he said, holding out a paw for Lidia and Paisy to shake. They both shook hands, and Dehious looked at Aidey, who still appeared to be thinking. 'Shall we go now?' he asked, trying not to be so stiff. Aidey looked at him, but not directly like she would've. 'Yes.' She said. 'Let's go.'

The trip back home was silent. Dehious knew Aidey was thinking, but he still missed them talking to each other. But still, it was not time for talking. Aidey needed time to think, and he would give her that. It was the least he could do, even if they broke up later on. Right now, he loved her, and he would do everything for her.

The two arrived at Aidey's house, and Aidey went forward and unlocked the door. She walked in, and Dehious followed silently. 'Do you need some space?' Dehious asked his lover when they were in front of the main room door. 'I'll sleep in the living room if you need some.'

'I'll appreciate that, thanks.' Aidey said to him. 'I hope you're not getting any offence from me thinking. I'm terribly sorry if you are.'

'No, no.' Dehious said. 'It's understandable. Take as much time as you like.' Aidey nodded, and walked into the room, and shut the door behind her. Dehious sighed silently, and walked over to the living room and plugged his phone in, and turned on the TV. He watched TV for the rest of the day, and unknowingly, fell asleep.

It was the next day when Dehious woke up, thanks to the alarm of his phone. He stretched, as he was stiff from sleeping on the sofa, and got up, washed, and got ready to go to work. He was about to go into Aidey's room and wish her a good day when he suddenly questioned if it was a good idea. After thinking for a bit, he got a pen and a piece of paper and wrote a note for Aidey.

'I didn't know if it was a good idea to talk to you, so here's a note. Have a good day, Aidey! I don't know if you've decided yet, but hey. Even if you don't choose me, I won't be blame you. But tell me why, if that's ok. Anyways, have a good day!'

He stuck the note on the inside of the door, and went out to work. About two hours later, Aidey was about to go to work when she saw the note and read it. She was still thinking, but the note made her move a little more towards Dehious. She folded the note and put it inside her bag, and went to work.

That day, both Aidey and Dehious didn't do well at work. They were both distracted, Aidey by the decision and Dehious worrying about his lover's decision. When Aidey finally made up her mind, it was almost time to go home from work. After quite a bit of scolding from her boss, she finally headed home, hoping that Dehious was home. He was, and when she saw him, she went forwards and nuzzled him on the neck and hugged him with her wing, which kind of surprised Dehious but at the same time warmed his heart. 'I made up my mind.' She said, after nuzzling him and looking at his eyes. 'And what did you decide to do?' Dehious asked her, hoping she would say she'd stay with him for the rest of their lives. 'I'm choosing you.' She said, nuzzling him again. 'I love you, and I'm pretty sure we can sort things out if we don't match up well, don't you think so?' she said, to which Dehious replied, 'Yes, love. I'm pretty sure we can do that.'

'So when do we contact your parents?' Dehious asked, after they were done nuzzling each other.

'I already contacted them. They told me to visit them on this Saturday. Does that work out for you?' Aidey asked, smiling a bit. Dehious smiled as well, and hugged Aidey once more. 'Of course, love. Of course.'

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