Chapter 15

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So Aidey's parents accepted Dehious. Long story short, Dehious' parents accepted Aidey as well, with less resistance, and the two got married soon after. And now, Aidey was about to sleep beside her mate. She curled up around Dehious and put her wings on top of him. 'Good night.' She whispered, and she closed her eyes as well.

Morning came, and the sun shone through the window. Aidey got up from her bed, and sleepily looked at her eggs. There were... cracks?


'Dehious! Wake up!' she almost yelled, shaking her mate. He sleepily opened his eyes. 'What?' he said, sleepily. 'The eggs! They're about to hatch!' 'What?!' her mate yelled, and rushed over to the eggs. Indeed, one of them had a crack, and was shaking as their hatchling was trying to get out. The other eggs were started to shake, and cracks were beginning to appear as well. Aidey and Dehious waited for them to come out of their eggs. The first egg that was shaking literally snapped in half, and a red female crawled out. The way the shell broke in half shocked the pair, as normally eggs didn't crack straight in half. Still, Aidey walked forwards and touched the small hatchling. The hatchling looked at her with big round eyes, and it looked adorable. 'Ohhh! Look at her! Isn't she cute?' she said, looking at her mate. 'Yeah...' Dehious said, also looking at the small hatchling who managed to crawl into her mother's paws and curl up. Aidey saw one of the left three eggs starting to open up as well. 'Want a turn, Dehious?' she asked him, and he nodded. He padded over to the three eggs and waited for one of them to hatch.

Soon, one of them hatched, and out came a green hatchling. It was a male. 'It's a male! I have a son!' he said happily, and walked over to the small dragon and lowered his head. 'Hello, little one. I'm your father.' He said sweetly, and the little green dragon climbed up onto his father's snout and squeaked. It looked happy. Both Aidey and Dehious laughed, and the small red dragon in Aidey's paws was now sleeping. The other two eggs opened up roughly at the same time, and one gold and one blue hatchling crawled out. They were both males. 'Yay! More sons!' Dehious said happily, and crawled over to the two dragons and let them climb up to his paws. Now he had one between his horns, and one in each paws. He looked really happy. Aidey smiled. Their family was complete now. She gently set down her hatching she had in her paw on her and her mate's bed, and tucked her in. Her mate did the same, and they quietly sat down.

'They look adorable, don't they?' Aidey said, looking at the hatchlings. 'They're so cute...' 'Yup.' Her mate said. 'Won't they need meat soon, though?' 'I'll get some if they wake up.' 'Okay.' The two just gazed at their new family members lovingly. Aidey leaned against her mate, and Dehious wrapped his wings around her. After a little while, Aidey got up. 'Want some breakfast? Or do you want to stay here and watch them?' 'I'll stay here. Somebody needs to watch them anyways.' He said, then curled up on the bed around their hatchlings protectively. 'You just want more sleep, don't you?' Aidey teased her mate. 'Maybe.' Dehious said and yawned. 'Wake me up when you bring food?' Aidey just laughed, and walked out of the room to get some food.

When she carried some meat and walked into the room, she saw her mate and all of her hatchlings sleeping peacefully. She couldn't help but smile and take a picture of them all sleeping together. Dehious was still curled around their hatchlings protectively, and the hatchlings somehow managed to snuggle beside their father and were all curled up beside his belly. The hatchling smelled meat, and they all started to open their eyes. Aidey put down the plate of meat chopped into small pieces in front of them, and the hatchings yipped and crawled over and started to eat. She took another picture of them, and walked over to Dehious who was somehow still sleeping, and shook him awake. 'I got food, love.' She said, as he yawned. 'Thanks.' He said, as he got up and shook his head to wake up. She handed over the plate of cooked beef, and she herself ate the lightly cooked meat. The family feasted until they all had their fill.

The hatchlings were done soon, and so were their parents. Dehious collected the plates, and walked out with them. He did the dishes while his mate and their hatchlings played together. Dehious couldn't help but smile at all the cute noises the hatchlings made. He was a father now. Something he dreamed of since Aidey laid those eggs. And thankfully, all the eggs had hatched.

After he did the dishes, he went back to the bedroom. The hatchlings were all over Aidey now, and Aidey as well as the hatchlings were squealing in joy. Dehious joined in, and soon there was a pile of dragons all over themselves. Finally, the family tired out, and they all sprawled over on the bed. Aidey looked at their hatchlings, and saw their eyes half-lidded and yawning. They were sleepy now. Aidey and Dehious tucked their hatchlings back in, and quietly left the room. They washed, and Aidey called her boss, telling her that she wouldn't be able to go to work for a while now. Her boss understood when she said her hatchlings had hatched, and wished her hatchlings good health. Happily, Aidey walked over to Dehious, who was now in the couch next to their bed and using his phone, and told him the news. He was happy, of course. Aidey sat on the armrest, and looked at their hatchlings, then at her mate. 'We've got to give them a name, you know.' She said. Dehious shut his phone and looked thoughtful. 'What about Tasin for the first red one that hatched?' he said. 'Why?' she asked. 'Cause I always wanted a daughter named one, and we only have one daughter.' He said. 'Sounds nice to me. Can I name green Green then?' she asked. 'Yeah, but why?' her mate asked. 'Cause I like the color green. It represents the nature. And of course, he's green as well.' 'Won't he dislike it when he grows up?' her mate asked worryingly. 'He might. But it's unique, you know. I think it's nice.' 'Yeah, it is, I guess.'

'What about Orban for the third?' Dehious asked, without much thinking. 'No offence, but change a few words, and it's orphan?' Aidey said, not really liking the idea. 'What about Edward? I think it's nice.' 'Yeah. That's much better than Orban, I guess.' Her mate said. 'And the last one Lee? How about that?' 'Sounds nice. All settled then?' Aidey said. 'I guess so. Will they need more food when they wake up..?' Dehious said unsurely. 'We might need some more meat, you know. I checked the fridge, and I'm not sure it'll hold up for long.' 'Should I get it?' Aidey asked. 'Nah. I'll get it soon. I just want some family time for now.' Dehious said. 'Nothing against that.' Aidey said, and nuzzled her mate.

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