Chapter 13

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'What?' Dehious said, dumbstruck. He wasn't exactly ready for this kind of reaction from Aidey's dad.

'I said, the fuck are you and what are you doing with my daughter?' demanded Aidey's father, now looking angry. Dehious got even more dumbstruck, and looked at Aidey for help. But that didn't help, as Aidey was literally facepalming. Dehious looked back at Aidey's father, who now looked really angry and was striding over to him. Just then, Aidey stepped in between him and her father. 'Dad!' Aidey half yelled. 'What's wrong with you? This is my boyfriend!'

'Yeah. I see that.' her father said. 'But I gotta test him, shouldn't I?' he said, and lunged towards Dehious. Dehious, unable to do anything, got shoved backwards into the ground as Aidey's dad smashed into him. Then, screaming, Aidey lunged at her father, bit him by his neck, and dragged him to the ground. 'What's wrong with you, dad?!' Aidey screamed, after she got off her father and stepped back to let him rise again. Then she looked at Dehious, with apologetic look in her eyes, and helped him rise back up again. 'Sorry.' Aidey said. 'I was expecting a lot of things, but not this. I'm really sorry.'

'Don't be.' Dehious said, and walked over to Aidey and hugged her by putting a wing over her. 'I can understand his feelings. If I had a daughter too and she brought a boyfriend, I would probably react that way as well.' He said, but quickly added 'You know, protectiveness.' when Aidey glared at him.

'Dad.' Aidey said, while blocking her dad seeing her boyfriend by standing in front of him. 'Promise me not to attack him again?'

'Fine.' Paisy said, rubbing his neck with his wing where Aidey bit him. 'But then how will I be able to test him?'

'I already did.' Aidey replied, looking at Dehious, who nodded as well. Paisy looked at Aidey and Dehious suspiciously, but in the end, nodded. 'Come in.' He said stiffly, eyeing Dehious a bit. Aidey gestured to Dehious to go in with her wing, and stiffly, Dehious entered the house, followed by Aidey, who closed the door behind her.

'So.' Paisy said, after the three had all gathered up in the living room. 'You were with my daughter. What were you up to?' he said roughly.

'Dad.' Aidey said. 'Please. Can you be a little bit nicer?'

'I'll be when I feel like it. So,' Paisy said, looking at Dehious. 'What were you up to, being with my daughter?'

Dehious thought quick, and decided to look proud. After all, he had not done anything wrong, being with Aidey. 'I was going to ask your opinion about marrying your daughter.' Dehious said, looking straight into the eyes of Paisy.

'And..?' Paidsy said, looking at Dehious.

'May I marry your daughter?' Dehious asked, still looking straight at Paisy.

'And why should I allow that?' Paisy asked back, also looking straight at Dehious, though as if he didn't like him.

'Because.' Aidey said, interfering with the conversation. 'I want to.'

'I have not asked you, Aidey.' Paisy said sternly, not looking at her daughter.

'Dad.' Aidey replied, her voice getting stiff. She was getting irritated. 'Don't my opinion matter to you at all?'

'Not now.' Her dad said, still not looking at her daughter. More irritated, Aidey blocked the view between her father and her lover by stepping in between them. Previously, she had been standing next to Dehious, but she thought if her father was continuously ignoring her, this wasn't going to progress any further into the way she wanted.

'You've always been like this, dad.' Aidey said, looking at her father. 'And now I want to make a decision. I want to be with Dehious, and that's final. So it's going to be accepting him or losing me. What's it going to be?'

Aidey's dad sighed, and fell back into the chair. 'Really, Aidey?' he said, rubbing his forehead. 'You know I only want the best for you. I'm sure you understand that by now.'

'Yes, I know that. But I also want you to know that I'm old enough to make my own decisions.' Aidey said. Her father sighed again, and looked out the window. 'Give me some time to think. And you.' He said, looking at Dehious. 'Till tomorrow, give me an introduction of yourself. And it better be good if you want to have my daughter.'

'Yes, sir.' Dehious said. Aidey stepped back again, and looked at her father once more. Anything you want more, dad?' she asked. 'And by the way, where's mom?'

'Out to get groceries. And no. Just make sure you two arrive by 10 tomorrow night.'

'Please tell her I said hi. And I hope you will accept Dehious. And I'm sorry if I was rude. You know I'm a bit of a hot head.'

'Ok, ok. Now go. I have to think.' Her dad said, sounding a bit annoyed. Thinking it could have gone much worse, considering her father was also a hot head, Aidey motioned to Dehious with her wing, and the two stepped out of the house.

'That was something.' Dehious said to Aidey, after taking a deep breath when they were out of the house. 'Your father's got some temper.'

'Yeah.' Aidey replied, sighing. 'And I got some too. I might have hidden it all along, but yeah. I got some as well.'

'At least it doesn't seem too bad to me.' Dehious said, smiling at Aidey. Aidey just sighed, and looked away. She knew she had some temper as well. It was just that it never was shown in front of Dehious. 'Anyways,' she said. 'I think we're done here. Mind if we go home? I could use some rest. And I need to calm down as well. I'm a little bit worked up here.'

'No objections about that.' Dehious said, and the two flew up, towards their home. On their way home, which was about 30 minutes away, Aidey turned towards Dehious. 'So... I guess your first impressions on my father isn't very good, is it?' she asked. Dehious looked at her for a second, then continued looking forward to see where he was flying. 'Not that good, but hey. It's understandable.' He said, still looking forward. 'I can only guess how much your father's protective about you.'

'Trust me, you don't know.' Aidey said, sighing a bit. 'I mean, it's good an all, but you know, I'm an adult! I'm mature enough and know what's good for me. So why is he so overprotective?' she exclaimed, but in a small voice, sounding frustrated.

'Dad's instinct or love, I guess.' Dehious said. 'I mean, who knows if I'm going to be like that when I get older and have offspring of my own? My only guess is instinct or he loves you very much. Probably love. See, he didn't do anything when you cut his view of me and got angry with him.'

'Yeah... I really gotta stop being so rude to my parents.' Aidey said, sighing again. 'I know I'm going to regret this when they are gone. I really need to stop being rude to my parents...'

'I know it ain't easy, but hey. You can always try.' Dehious said. 'Your parents are going to forgive you. Just try not to be so rude. You can improve. I believe in you.'

'Thanks.' Aidey said, looking numb. Then she shook her head, and continued on their way.

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