Chapter 12

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Dehious was panting. I got him through a series of tests, and thankfully, he passed. 'Is there... 'pant' any... 'pant' more..?' Dehious asked, panting hard. I was also panting a bit as well, though in a better condition than Dehious. I smiled. 'No.' I said. 'You passed all tests.'

Dehious slumped down onto his haunches. 'Thank you.' he gasped. 'I wasn't sure if I could pass any more tests.'

I laughed. 'I'm sure you could have passed more tests if I gave you.' I said with a happy smile. 'Anyways, congratulations on passing all the tests.' Dehious just smiled a bit, then continued to catch up to his breath. Finally, after catching up to his breath, Dehious stood up. 'So... does that mean that I can rest now?' he asked.

'Didn't you already have enough rest?' I asked him. 'No, no. I mean by resting at home.' he said. 'Your home or my home? You call both home yours, you know.' I said, smiling cheekily. Dehious huffed an embarrassed breath, and looked away for a second. Then he looked my way again. 'Yours.' he said. 'Now shall we go to 'my' car?' I thought for a second, then said, 'You mean ours, right?' Dehious huffed again. 'Right. Ours.' he said.

I laughed, and went walked down the road to Dehious' car. My lover-soon to be mate-followed me. When we reached his camaro, Dehious went to the driver's side and unlocked the door. Dehious and I climbed in, and we headed towards my home.


I got up from my bed. Dehious stirred, so I woke him up as well. 'What's the time?' Dehious asked, sleepily. 'Umm...' I looked at the clock. 'It's midday. We've got to wake up.' Dehious sighed, and got up from the bed. We sat together at the edge of the bed. After a minute or two of silence, I got up. 'Gotta get some food.' I said. 'Wanna help?'

'Of course.' my lover said, and got up as well. I headed to the kitchen to look for some food, and Dehious followed me behind. I opened the fridge, and looked inside while Dehious peeked from behind me. 'Wanna have some sausage?' I asked him, and he nodded from the edge of my sight. I passed the pack of sausage over to him, and picked up a pack of frozen lamb myself. Dehious was already getting out the pan and preparing to cook, so I went to unfreeze the lamb I had in the microwave. While I had the lamb in the microwave, I helped Dehious prepare for cooking. Finally, when the sausages were sizzling on the pan, the microwave beeped, indicating that my lamb was probably unfrozen. I picked up the pack of lamb, and waited for Dehious to finish cooking sausages. But my lover looked at me with 'what are you doing?' eyes, and I got puzzled. Finally, after a few minutes, Dehious spoke up. 'What are you doing?' he asked.

'What?' I asked, puzzled.

'Aren't you going to cook it? Are you going to eat it raw?' he asked, looking at me strangely. Of course I was going to cook it, but I was waiting for him to finish cooking his! So I opened my mouth again. 'I'm just waiting for you to finish yours.' I said.

'Ah.' Dehious said. 'I didn't think it that way. Why don't you cook it with me? I have an idea.'

Now I understood. So, he was waiting for me to cook the lamb with his sausages. But what was his idea? 'What idea?' I asked, curious.

'Just trust me.' my lover said, smiling sweetly.

'Ok, then...' I said unsurely, and got the lamb out of the plastic wrap, and put it on the pan, hoping that Dehious won't ruin it. Dehious got some chopsticks and laid out the lamb strips, and started to fry them. Then, when the strips of lamb started to turn brown-ish, Dehious looked at me. 'You don't mind sharing, do you?' he asked, and of course, I nodded. He then turned to the lamb and sausages again, and put each sausages on each strips of lamb. Then he put some pepper on them, which surprised me, cause I did not tell him where all the sauces were, and rolled them. They did looked delicious, and I swallowed the saliva that was slowly filling up my mouth. Apparently I made quite a sound while doing it, as my lover looked at me and laughed. My face heated up a bit, but I bit it back and said, 'Well... I'm hungry after what happened last night, you know...' and it was now his turn for his face to heat up. I laughed at this sudden turn of turns, and Dehious, still embarrassed, did not meet my gaze.

The lamb and sausage roll slowly got cooked, and when it was finally done, my paws went to the handle of the pan, intending to move it to the table and eat right off of it. 'Uhh... no.' Dehious said, as his paws stopped mine, and took over the pan himself. He first moved it over to the table, which confused me, as it was the very same thing I was about to do, but then got two plates out of the cupboard, and put each one in front of us. I sat down, and watched Dehious work. He got the same chopsticks again, and started to divide the sausage-lamb rolls in front of us. We each got 4, and there was just enough for us to have 1 more each, but then Dehious put both of them on my plate. 'What? Why?' I asked.

'For my... umm... mate?' Dehious said, sheepishly. 'You must be hungry after last night.'

'And you're not?' I asked, half flatly and half laughingly. 'You don't have to act this way to impress me, you know.'

'I got a weak stomach. And I don't do well with a lot of meat in the morning. Well... as the first meal, I mean.' Dehious said, while putting the pan away. 'Plus, I thought you wouldn't mind.'

'Well, yeah. I don't. But don't you get hungry after only that? I don't want to see you hungry.' I said, this time concerningly.

'Don't worry about me. I'm used to it. Better than getting a stomachache after too much meat. Now, can we stop talking and start eating? I'm starving.'

'Got no objections to that.' I said, and we both started eating. At first it was silent because we were both starving and were both concentrated on eating, but after 2 rolls, Dehious looked at me. 'You know we have to tell our parents about us, right?' he said.

I nearly choked at that. 'You really have to bring that up now?' I asked. Dehious laughed a bit, then turned serious. 'You know we have to tell them, you know.'

I swallowed the last of the sausage roll I had and sighed. 'Yeah... we do.'

'So, when are we going to tell them?'


'So, this is where your parents live?' Dehious asked me. We were in front of my parent's house, and were about to enter it. 'Yup.' I said. 'So prepare yourself. I've never brought a boyfriend, never mind a future mate, so I don't know what their reactions are going to be.'

Dehious gulped at that, and raised a claw to press the bell. At that moment, I quickly raised my paw and stopped Dehious from pressing the button. Then I quickly pressed the button myself and waited for one of my parents to answer the alarm.

'Hello?' It was my father.

'Hey, dad! It's me, Aidey! Can we go in?'

'Of course! Just hang on a minute, honey' My dad said happily, and the call ended, and the sounds of my dad coming out to the front door sounded. The front door opened, and my father's face turned from happiness to half angry, half puzzled face.

'The hell..? Who is this guy?' he said.

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