Chapter 8

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'Dehious, sir.' Dehious answered, and took the paw in front of him and shook it. 'And you must be..?' he looked at Aidey's mother, questioning.

'Lidia.' Aidey's mother answered, and also shook paws with Dehious. The four then sat down in their seats, and looked at the menu. While they were deciding on which one they would eat, the waiter came and poured all of them a glass of wine. Lidia and Paisy sipped on their drinks, and Aidey and Dehious politely followed, sipping on their drinks as well. The four eventually decided on their meal, and the waiter took their orders, and they were once again left alone.

'So, Dehious, was it? What do you do for a living?' Aidey's father, Paisy asked, sipping on his wine.

'I'm a car dealer, sir.' Dehious said, trying not to be so nervous.

'Oh? What brand?' Paisy asked, looking at Dehious. Dehious got even more nervous, and stiffened visibly. Aidey noticed it, and lay a paw against Dehious's knee. 'Relax.' she whispered. 'They're not here to make you go through a test or sort. They're just here to see what kind of dragon you are. So just relax.'

Dehious listened to his girlfriend, and took in a few deep breaths, calming himself. Then he looked at Paisy again, who was waiting for him to speak. 'A Chevrolet dealer, sir.' he said, looking at Paisy, but not in a challenging way. Paisy nodded, and sipped on his wine again. Then he opened his mouth again. 'You haven't done any drugs, did you?'

Dehious was stunned for a second. 'No, never, sir.' he quickly said as soon as he recovered from his stunned position.

'Good. You don't seem like one to do anyways. I haven't meant any offence. Apologies if you took any.' Paisy said, and Dehious looked at Aidey questioningly. Aidey noticed her boyfriend looking at her, and turned to him. 'He's pretty straight forward.' She said. 'But he's quite a nice guy when you get to know him. Please don't get any offence from the way he talks.'

'Got none. But thanks.' Dehious said, and turned to Paisy and Lidia, who was watching them talk. Paisy cleared his throat to get Dehious's attention, and said 'If you're done, mind if I ask you how you got to meet each other?' he asked, making Aidey snap back to the conversation. And before Dehious could speak, Aidey spoke first, blocking Dehious. 'No no no no. No need to know that, dad.' she said quickly. While Paisy and Lidia were confused, Dehious crackled, attracting attention from nearby tables. 'What? What is it? What's so funny?' asked Lidia, confused, looking at Aidey, whose face was getting hotter every second. Eventually Dehious's crackle died down, and Aidey calmed down enough to not feel so flustered. 'My question is still not answered.' Aidey's dad said, looking at both Aidey and Dehious. 'When and where did you two meet?'

Aidey and Dehious both looked at each other. Finally, Aidey decided to speak. 'Well, six months ago on a Friday night, as usual, I decided to go out to drink with my friends. I might have... drank too much that night. And when I was drunk and couldn't find my house, Dehious here helped me go to my home. So... yeah. That's how we met.' Aidey said, looking at the table in front of her. There was a silence, then her mother spoke up. 'Thank you, Dehious, for helping my daughter. I really don't know when she's going to learn.' she said, glaring at Aidey at the last part. Dehious chuckled slightly, and Aidey laughed nervously. Then the waiter came and each of their choices for dinner were served, and the four started to eat.

'So, Dehious.' Paisy said, cutting a piece of beef with his claws after wiping them with the given napkin. 'You said you were a Chevrolet dealer. How's work?'

Dehious was working on cutting his side of steak as well when he heard Paisy talking and answered. 'Well, as usual, there are some bad customers who won't even buy a car and still act like they're kings, and some nice customers who buys a car and do think that we are intelligent creatures like them. And there are those who walks in, buys a car straight forwards and then walk out the door again. Those guys are just cool, but they're usually companies, so we don't get a lot of them. They do buy a lot of cars at one go, though, so if we get that kind of customer, it's a really good day for all of us in the dealer.' Then he ate the side of steak he just cut, chewed, and swallowed. 'If you don't mind, what do you do?' he asked back.

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