Chapter 10

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He started up by reserving a restaurant. Aidey wouldn't probably find it suspicious as they ate out frequently. Then he considered going to the jewerly store, but considering he already had a considerable hoard in his house, he thought that it might be better and meaningful if he just shared his hoard with Aidey. After all, one didn't let others get to one's hoard if one didn't trust the other.

After that decision, Dehious thought how he should tell Aidey about it. Asking one to become one's mate wasn't an easy process. Not only did the asked one have to consider if she or he actually loved the other and was ready to share the rest of his or her's life, but one had to consider the other's wealth, aerial abilities, which was basically health, and many others. It wasn't an easy decision by any means. It wasn't at all. So one had to be planned and ready for anything, including rejection.

And Dehious had to be ready for all of that.

It was harder than he thought. Especially the rejection part. Even if it wasn't real, just the thought of Aidey rejecting him hurt his heart. But if he wanted Aidey as his mate, it was this or nothing. He wouldn't know if he didn't face it. It was this or nothing. And he had to face it.

Finally, after hours of planning and preparing, he was ready. He got into his car, and started to drive towards Aidey's work place. After about 20 minutes of driving, he arrived, and waited for Aidey's day to finish.


Aidey was finishing one of the last tasks of her day. Then her phone rang, indicating that a message had arrived. She paused her work, and looked at her phone. It was Dehious. 'I'm waiting outside.' said the message, with a smiling emoji at the end. She smiled, replied that she'll be there soon, and continued working.

About 10 minutes later, she was done. She said her goodbyes to her boss, and walked out of the building. She saw her boyfriend's car parked in front of the building, and climbed in.

'Hey. How was your day?' She asked, smiling happily at Dehious.

'I didn't go to work today. Said I'm sick.' Dehious replied.

'Oh? Are you sick?' Aidey asked concerned. 'Do you need to go to the hospital?'

'No, no.' Dehious replied, waving his front paws. 'Just wanted to have a day off, that's all.'

'So you're not sick?' she asked, wanting to make sure.

'Yeah. I'm not.' Dehious replied again, and changed the subject. 'I reserved a place in a restaurant. Wanna go?'

'Why not?'


'Isn't it expensive here?' I asked. Dehious just smiled, and went over to the counter. 'I reserved a table for two. Can we go in? Name's Dehious.' he said. The waitress searched her computer for a second, and smiled at Dehious. I knew it was just for friendliness, but for some reason it filled my stomach with slight bit of anger. I swallowed it down, and looked at Dehious, who was now being led by the waitress. The waitress stopped at a table in a corner, which had a very good view of the outside. Dehious thanked the waitress, and pulled out a chair for me to sit in. For some reason, the act made the anger die down. 'Why, how kind of you.' I said, and sat down. Dehious just smiled at me, and sat in the seat opposite to me. A few moments later, A different waiter came and handed us the menu. We thanked him, and I looked at the brochure. That's when Dehious spoke.

'Today's on me.' he said. 'Pick whatever you want.'

I looked at the brochure and got surprised. Everything was so damn expensive! I looked at Dehious, and he just smiled. 'I can manage.' He said. 'A special night every once in a while won't hurt, you know?'

I just shook my head, and continued to look at the menu. Finally deciding on a plate of overly priced Korean styled beef, I waited for Dehious to decide. After a moment he chose the same thing as well, and we waited for the meal to arrive. It was a bit out of place, but I had heard that this place made excellent Korean styled food.

I looked at Dehious, who was continuously looking outside the window. It was as if he was trying to hide something. He didn't go to work, he invited her to this fancy restaurant, and now he was just looking out the window when he would've been looking at her normaly. It wasn't... it wasn't what I thought and feared, was it?

A bit shaken by my own thoughts, I looked at my lover directly. 'Dehious.' I called. 'Dehious.' He looked at her. 'Why... why are you acting like this? It... it isn't what I think it is, right? Right?' I said a bit shakily.

Dehious looked dumbstruck. 'What are you talking about?' he asked, dumbly.

I shook my head. Maybe it was just her useless suspicious thoughts kicking in. 'No.. it's nothing.' I said. But that didn't convince Dehious. He looked at me concerningly. 'You know you can talk to me.' he said. 'What is it? Let it out. I'll listen to you.'

'You... you don't have anyone else, do you?' I asked shakily. Dehious looked at me even more dumbstruck. 'Wha... Why... Why would you think like that?' he asked, voice shaking a bit and looking betrayed. 'Don't you believe in me? Do you honestly think that I would cheat on you? Is that what you think? Didn't you even have that little faith in me?' he said, getting a bit angry.

I looked down at the table. Did I.. Did I have that little faith faith in him? Why did I even think in that way? 'I'm... I'm sorry.' I said in a small voice. 'I... You acted so strangely today, and I thought something was up, and I... I thought you had someone else. I'm so sorry, Dehious. I really am.'

Dehious let out an angry/shaky breath. Then he straightened up and looked at me directly. 'Aidey...' he said. 'Aidey... I would never, ever cheat on you.' he said. 'I'm sorry that I acted strangely. Just... A lot's on my mind, and I guess that made me act strangely. I'm sorry as well. But I won't ever cheat on you. I don't understand how you thought that way. But you're the only one I love, and the only one I'll ever love.'

A tear rolled down my face. I felt so sorry. I didn't mean to accuse Dehious of something that he didn't do. I didn't mean to hurt him. Dehious looked at me and got surprised. His anger melted down and he stood up and walked over to me. He wiped the tear off my face and just hugged me. 'Don't cry. I understand that I've been acting weird today. And I'm sorry that I've been angry at you. I... didn't mean it.'

I stopped crying. I didn't mean to cry in the first place anyways. I wiped my tears, and looked at Dehious. 'I'm sorry.' I said. 'I'm sorry that I accused you of cheating. I was just... paranoid. I'm really sorry.'

Dehious didn't reply, but just kissed my cheek. I blushed a bit, and Dehious laughed, and went to his own seat and sat down. Then the meal we ordered came out, and we started to eat.

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