*Chapter 1*

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"Hurry up Adeena!" My mom shouted from downstairs, "you're getting late!"

"Coming Mom!" I shouted back. Quickly, I took by bag and ran downstairs. The driver was waiting for me downstairs as I said my goodbyes to mom and dad.

"Take good care of your health, go to bed early and-"

"I know mom, I know. You give the same lectures every time I go from here. I'm not a kid anymore." I interrupted my mom.

"Yeah but u always act like one." She stated to which I pouted.

"Ok ok, enough of this, beta (child) you're getting late. Get going and take care." Dad said.

"Okay, Allah Hafiz mom, Allah Hafiz dad. Take care."

"Allah Hafiz." They both said together. I quickly exited my house and got in the car.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Adeena Khan. Nickname, Dina. I'm 18. Long straight black hair, light brown eyes, tall, average weight and fair skin color. In the last year of A levels at Harson College. I'm Pakistani living in Dubai. Only child. As my college is a 1 hour drive from my house, so I live in hostel and come to visit my parents every weekend.

Ok, it may not be every weekend but that is because when I'm really really busy which is very rare. 

Yesterday it got pretty late so I stayed back at my house. And now I'm going directly from there plus I'm very sleepy. It's Monday morning for God's sake! And don't forget the second week in the last year of A levels as it started last week. Thats right the holidays ended last week.

As the car came to a stop, I quickly scurried out of it and headed to my lockers. I saw the time on my wrist watch.

"Shoot!" I whispered. Five minutes late. Getting the books out of my locker, I headed to my first class which is Business Studies. 

Turning the door knob of my class, I entered receiving every student's eyes.

"Ms Khan. You're late." Mr Rider said.

Geez thanks for informing. I didn't know. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Yes, I know. Sorry sir. It won't happen again."

"Would you like to share the reason with me as to why you're late?" He asked.

"Umm... No sir." The students laughed hearing my answer.

"Very well. Go to your seat. And be on time, especially in my class."

I nodded and turned to see my two best friends waving at me and signaling to come and sit beside them. I sat and took a long sigh.

Meet my only two best friends, Aira and Rania. Aira is slight shorter than me, has light brown shoulder length hair and chocolate brown eyes. Rania is the same height as me and has dark brown long hair and black eyes. 

I know, common eye color and all.

"Why were you late?" Aira whispered to me.

"Overslept." I whispered back. They both nodded.


As soon as the bell rang, students rushed out of the class like their lives depended on it. We packed our things like normal and headed out.

"Ugh it was so boring! And the homework, it's so much!" Aira complained.

"I know right! I just want to kill someone!" Rania said well kinda shouted.

"Calm down you guys. You should get used to it by now." I stated.

"Whatever," they huffed.

I shook my head and we headed to our next class. Me and Rania had Accounts while Aira had Economics. We parted our ways in the hallways and went to our classes.

Lets get this clear. We all have 3 subjects for the whole year. 

In order:

Mine are Business studies (9-10 am), Accounts (10-11 am) and Math (12-1 pm) 

Aira has Business studies(9-10 am), Economics (10-11 am) and English (11:30-12:30 pm).

Rania has Business studies(9-10 am), Accounts(10-11 am) and English (11:30-12:30 pm).

Our break is from 11 to 11:30. But then I have an half an hour free after that. 

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is our timetable.


The bell rang, marking the end of today's classes. I come out to see Aira and Rania standing there probably waiting for me.

Yes they wait half an hour for me.

I'm such a lucky person, I know.

I sprinted towards them and shouted so loudly scaring them as they were too busy in their conversation.

"What the-.... DINAAA! You scared the life out of us!" Rania shouted.

"That was funny!" I said in between my giggles.

"No it wasn't!" Aira argued.

"Just you wait. Revenge is on." Rania said to which they both smirked.

"Sure, I'll be waiting." We then talked some more and then the two bid their goodbyes while I moved to my lockers to put my stuff back.

As I opened my locker I was shocked to see what was inside it.


Assalam-u-alaikum and hello guys. This is my new work. After getting ideas from here and there I'm here with a story. So this is the start to the mystery letters and stuff. Hope you guys liked the first chapter. It was kind of an intro chap to give the details about the characters' lives.

If you guys liked the chapter, do vote and comment. It's a source of inspiration to write more for me.

Till next time,

Allah Hafiz.

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