⭐Chapter 29⭐

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The whole day I walked to and fro from our room taking care of Ammaar and providing him whatever he needed. Alhamdullilah his fever is almost gone but he body still aches a little bit.

And don't get me started on the taste buds of his. All he did when I brought him something to eat was complain about how everything tastes like shit. Sometimes he could be too childish.

My legs also ached a bit running up and down the stairs but of course I didn't dare express it in front of him. Otherwise, he would have made me lie down and take care of me instead.

He did kept on saying and sometimes ordering for me to sit down and rest, but me being me I was stubborn for my own good. I didn't care about myself right now. All my attention was on him.

I never thought there would come a day where I will be worried sick about Ammaar and dismiss my own self.

Times do change.

And I'm not one to complain.

I like this. I don't know if I should but I do. I like taking care of him. I like being with him. I like talking to him.

I like everything which involves him.

The thought made me smile brightly. I've never had these strong feelings for any guy before.

Well except my favourite actors. I have a whole list of those love of my life.

But that is completely different. No one can reach their level.

Ammaar is already way above them now.

No. He's not!

Stop lying. It's haram.

I'm not!

Yeah sure.

I just rolled my eyes and let my so called voice of reason blabber away. How is it possible that my own self is against me? Does that even make any sense?

I shook my head, I'm gonna go crazy like that.

"Let's go for a stroll in the garden, love. I want some fresh air." Ammaar suggested from where he was in sitting position on the bed.

"Good idea, come on." I gestured him while I stood up.

We climbed down the stairs and made our way to the garden. The sun was almost setting, making it a lovely view of the sky. I looked up and smiled.


Hand in hand, we walked around, admiring the nature and the beautiful flowers that had bloomed with time. The wind blew, making the trees and plants rustle.

What's the feeling in the pit of my stomach?

"Do you hate me?" Ammaar suddenly asked out of the blue.

I was caught of guard at the question. I looked at him to find that he was already staring at me. His eyes had a slight hope in them. But I could tell that he was afraid of what my answer would be.

"Hate is a strong word. I rather prefer the term dislike." I replied, glancing at him.

Well, I prefer keeping my new found feelings to myself right now.

"So, you don't hate me?" He asked again, his lips twitching from the corners.

"No." I answered with a small smile.

"Oh, Alhamdullilah Alhamdullilah! You literally made my day with that word." He expressed, genuinely. "You have no idea how many times the thought of you hating me messed me up. I literally spent sleepless nights due to this."

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