*Chapter 7*

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"Assalam u alaikum guys!" I greeted, panting heavily, as I reached Aira, Rania and Ahad in the corridor.

Few days have past since we had an addition to our group; Ahad. He got along with us pretty well.

"Walaikum Assalam girl!" They replied.

I was almost late today. Maybe I should get a new alarm clock. The one I have is not doing it's job properly.

Yeah right! You're the one who go to sleep again after dismissing it.

Shut up!

"Whats with you having an asthma attack?" Aira joked.

"Nothing yaar. I almost got late today. Damn that alarm clock. Because of that I literally ran at full speed like my life depended on it."

"Are you sure it's the clock's fault?" Rania asked.

"Haan!(Yes) Aur kis ki hogi(Who else would it be)?" I replied.

"Hmm, When did you sleep last night?" Aira questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Uh.... around 2 to 2:30 am." I answered avoiding making eye contact with any of them.

"Oh, so it is the clock's fault. You are innocent." Ahad said sarcastically.

"Whatever guys. Don't act like you all are goody two shoes." I stated to which they rolled their eyes.

The class started and we payed attention to the lecture. Or at least tried to.

Like seriously, business class should be re-named as a resting class. No one is able to pay attention to it. And it being the first class of the day is a cherry on top.


It was my last period now which was Math and I was seated on my seat waiting for the teacher and Ahad. Ahad had some work to do so he told me to go along first.

Feeling bored, I took out my phone and scrolled through the messages.

One message caught my eye.


'You might want to stay away from that newbie, Ahad. Well only if you don't want any damage on his oh so handsome face. ;)

PS: I'm always around you and watching you.'


What the Jahannam?

That bast--mustard!

Who does he think he is?

On instinct, I looked around to find anybody suspicious but all in vain.

Seriously, who am I kidding?

The luck is never on my side in these situations.

Damn it.

But why should I stay away from Ahad? He is just my friend. And it's not like that psycho 'A' person can do anything.

After all he is just an A2 student like us.

"Hey! What's wrong?" Ahad asked with a concern look.

I zoned out again.

"Uh um... nothing. I was just.. thinking." Wow, what an answer Adeena.

"Thinking? But about what that led to you completely zone out of the reality and your surroundings?" He asked.

Ugh, Why are you asking so many questions? Just let it be.

"Nothing important." He wasn't convinced but before he could open his mouth to voice out his thoughts, Sir Ahmed, the math teacher, entered.

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